Sugar and Spice

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Living the messed up life is something common.
You know what's not?
It's when you don't understand why life shouldn't be just "life"

I mean, why do people chase for developments if they are contented.
I mean, why do people look for room of improvements if they are happy.
I mean, why do people keep if there are a million ways to let go.
I mean, why do people tell you they like you, when they have no plans to take responsibility of you.

You see, I may be tough.
But the soul of mine is more fragile than the most expensive glassware this planet has.
Few more cracks and it will scatter,
Few more pain and I will shatter.

The barriers are not just barriers.
Don't creep in.

I mean, don't dare mess up with me.
With my life, my heart, myself.
The broken pieces might hurt you,
And I will perish from the eternal lifetime of youth.

Don't make a move, if you're not into it.

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