Horrible Memory

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The guard and the baboon finish patrol and start heading to the lair. About halfway through their journey, Fuli starts to slow down and her breathing intensifies. No one except the baboon notices and tries to help Fuli by stroking her back. Fuli stops walking and Kion turns to look at her.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Asks Kion.
The baboon chitters but Fuli ignores him. "Yes, I'm fine."
Fuli continues walking but it was less than five minutes before she stops again.
Kion notices and stops. "Fuli, do you need to rest? Fuli?"
The baboon jumps off Fuli's back just as she falls to the ground.
"Fuli!" Kion panics as he runs to catch her.
"What's going on?" Asks Bunga.
The baboon points to Fuli's bite.
"Hapana! Fuli must've been bitten by Ushari." Says Ono.
Kion puts Fuli on the ground to get a better look at her bite but instead he sees a horrible memory.
"Fuli, you gotta get out of here!" Kion panics.
"Uh, Kion, she's on the ground and I don't see any danger." Says Bunga.
"Hold up, Little B. I think he's remembering the Outlands." Whispers Beshte.
They notice the fear in Kion's eyes, the shaking in his entire body and his slightly pale face.
"I should've been more on my guard. This is all my fault." Panics Kion.
"Kion?" Fuli whispers.
Kion snaps out of his memory and back to reality.
"Fuli?" Kion asks as he steps closer to her.
"You remembered the Outlands, didn't you?" She asks.
Kion nods and nuzzles her cheek. "I can't let this happen again."
The guard helps Fuli onto Beshte's back and they rush Fuli to Rafiki's tree.

"Rafiki! We need your help!" Shouts Kion.
"What seems to be the problem?" He asks.
"Fuli's been bitten by Ushari." Explains Bunga.
"Bring her in." Orders Rafiki.
They lay Fuli down on a bed of leaves and Rafiki runs around the tree trying to find the right ingredients.
"Ah ha! Found them." Cheers Rafiki.
He makes the antidote with snake venom he had stored. He puts the antidote on Fuli's paw and covers it up with a leaf.
"You'll be fine. You just need some rest." Says Rafiki.
"You guys should take the baboon home. His mother will be worried." Says Fuli.
"I'll stay with Fuli." Says Kion.
"I'll be fine, Kion. Besides, if there's trouble, the guard needs you and you worry too much." Smiles Fuli.
Kion nuzzles Fuli and she licks his cheek. The baboon runs over to Fuli and gives her a hug.
"Bye little baboon. See you around." She smiles.
The boys leave to take the baboon home. When they were out of earshot, Rafiki asks Fuli some questions.
"How is Kion?" Asks Rafiki.
"He doesn't remember everything." She answers.
"He will. When the time is right." Continues Rafiki.
"I hope that time is soon. I can't take it anymore." Sighs Fuli.
"You miss being with him."
"Yeah. I do."

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