Imagine #11 Bestfriend Cute

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Imagine for: Anyone (:

Detail: Justin is not famous

No song for imagine!

1.2k reads, Honestly you guys are amazing!
love you all.


Your POV-

I ran as fast as I could to Justin's house. Chase was probably in his car following me, Thank god for me being in cross country during high school, I'm pretty fast.

I continue running with my tears still streaming down my face, I finally make it to Justin's.  It's 3 in the morning and I was pounding on my best friends door crying like no other. A few second later Justin opened the door.

"Y/N?  What are you doing here?" he asked in a tired voice while rubbing his eyes.

"it's Chase again." I said between sobs.

"C'mere" he said pulling me in the house, closing the door and pulling me in for a hug.

I hugged back, crying into his chest. mumbling things here and there. Finally Justin carried me bridal style up to his bathroom and set me on the bathroom sink.

"why the hell do you have a bruise on your eye" he said while softly touching it. I winced at the pain.

"H-He hit M-Me" I said.

"What the hell? Why do you keep coming back to him?!" he yelled at me.

"Don't yell at me. I've been through enough tonight" I yell back.

" I'm sorry. explain the whole story to me." He said calming down a little.

"We went to a party and I caught him making out with some blonde bitch. So I confronted him and then he said sorry and we went home, Once we got home we got into another fight about his drinking, and then I told him to go back to the blonde bitch and he said at least she is a better kisser than you, and then punched me." I said crying.

Justin wiped my tears away."Why do you keep going back to him?!" he asked.

"Because he loves me" I whispered.

"You don't punch someone you love!" he said clearly angry.

"Sometimes if the other person is bothering you" I say.

"Really? because you are bothering me right now and I haven't laid a finger on you." he said.

I stopped and thought for a bit. But then I realized that Justin basically just told me he loved me but as a friend... right?

"you mean as a best friend right?" I ask.

"Y- No. I love you Y/N more than my best friend. " Justin said looking straight into my eyes.

"Justin, I love you too." I said.

Justin smiled and connected his lips with mine. I have been waiting for ever for that moment.

"Please break up with Chase and be mine?" Justin asked.

"Of course" I said. He smiled and kissed me passionatly.


So I have been thinking,  should I make a story? It would be Justin Bieber obviously.  I'm actually thinking about it but would guys read it?

So I personally love this imagine.
Comment if you want one (:

Sorry it was short.

Love you
-Em (:

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