Sorting Hat

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Everything starts here, the ceremony.

There was little tension in-between the tables at Hogwarts today, as the first years were about to be sorted into the four different houses.

The chair with the sorting hat were already in front, completely silent as if it wouldn't start talking in just a second, deciding over Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. The first-year students didn't enter yet.

Curious, Nathan looked over to the Gryffindor Table to see Alexander Astria telling the others that his sister would be enrolled today and he was very excited to welcome her to the Gryffindors. There was a hint of pride and confidence in his words, they felt very final.

The blonde Ravenclaw elbowed his neighbor, white haired Zachary Astria. The latter looked at him with a hint of annoyance, but stopped picking his nails in favor of talking to Nathan. “What?”

“Is your sister really enrolling today?”, Nathan asked, curious. Zachary rolled his eyes. “Yes, but I can't stand her, so I don't care.” And those were his final words before giving his full attention to his fingers once more.

“Huh, my sibling twins are enrolling today aswell. Maybe they can be friends…”, the blonde muttered, but noticed very quickly that his neighbor wasn't listening again. He wanted to elbow to get attention once more, but in this moment, the professor entered with first-years. After a short speech by the principal, including an explanation for the youngest students, the first one sat down to get his house determined.

Nathan spotted familiar shiny blond hair in the mob, making him feel a little proud. Zachary, however, was as passive as usual.

“Riko Astria.” The blond could feel the smile of pride radiating from the Gryffindor Table. Zachary sighed. A snow white haired girl stepped forward and sat down, the hat being placed on her hat.

“Oh, what talent!”, the hat spoke, but kept thinking for a while. Seems like Alexander's  sister wasn't a Gryffindor but a Slytherin.

“You must be one of the Astrias. Hmm, how diligently you work for your goals, how studious you are…. I know! RAVENCLAW!”

There was a big applause from the Ravenclaw Table and Nathan joined in. Next to him, Zachary slumped in his chair when his nonchalant looking sister sat down next to him, raising an eyebrow. At the Gryffindor Table, Alexander slumped back into his seat aswell. They both looked very dissatisfied.

“Caitlyn Starling.”

One of his siblings sat down. Nathan knew she wasn't a Ravenclaw, by no means, her twin brother was closer to that. The oldest brother knew her personality fit Gryffindor the best and felt a pang of disappointment at that.

And true to his predictions, the hat called out Gryffindor and she was welcomed with a big applause.

“Ken Starling.”

Nathan really wanted at least Ken to be in the same house as him. He'd like to show his little brother all around, play Quidditch with him in a team, talk to him while eating and having fun. He missed doting on his younger siblings, just like an old man.

“...hmmmmm, hmm. This boy belongs in... HUFFLEPUFF!”

Another applause as Ken joined the house he belonged to, much to Nathan's dismay. His brother, calculating and smart, a Hufflepuff? He couldn't believe it.

Zachary seemed to notice him being agitated, so he gave him a awkward, but kind slap to the back and continued being the worst friend ever.

“Lucas Green-Wiltshire.”

A rich looking boy stepped forward. Nonchalantly, he sat down and even before the hat truly was placed on his head, the hat cried out “SLYTHERIN!” and the boy went to join his new comrades with a confident smirk.

Slytherins will never change, Nathan though as the hat called another Slytherin. The Ravenclaw remembered his name as Willard Arringford or something like that.

A few more first-years were called out until the feast began. Nathan ignored the tensions between Riko and her brother Zachary and dug in, disappointed.


The four mentioned students (Caitlyn, Riko, Ken, Lucas) are the four on the cover. Lucas is the only one of my characters that has his first appearance in my published stories. Yay for his debut.

On another note, the stories are only to make me comfortable with my characters and get used to them until I can actually come up with a plot to write a story in this universe. All stories take place after Harry Potter. Please try not to Spoiler anything from the main series, I'll try my best too. Thank you for reading.

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