Potter and the Gryffindor

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Lucas and the Gryffindor talk about Harry Potter and what he achieved.

“Do you know the story of Harry Potter?”

Lucas looked up in surprise. He was used to Caitlyn's friends and the other Gryffindor ignoring, or even scorning him. They weren't that happy when Caitlyn brought him along into the house room, he had winked sheepishly when everyone glared at both of them. They were outraged when she told them that Lucas knew the password and could enter at will.

Caitlyn only rolled her eyes and led him to one of the couches in the room, signaling him to sit down with her. He couldn't help but notice everyone in that area backing off a little and frowned. There was a little awkward circle around them, every Gryffindor in the room staring at them.

Lucas felt uncomfortable, but Caitlyn shushed him and started talking about something trivial, only expecting an answer once in a while, ignoring the others.

That's one of the things he liked about her so much. She didn't give a crap about opinions of others and did what she wanted. A rebel, a true Gryffindor. A free spirit.

It has always been that way, even when they had that big argument a while back when she shouted at him for being a jerk in front of the entire school, making their relationship public.

Lucas was a very talented mage and flier for sure, but he got so flustered by that incident. He had his weaknesses, he was so damn awkward at times, he bottled everything up for it to explode in bad situations, he cared way too much about what others may think about him.

Caitlyn said she thought his weaknesses are endearing and cute and that she loves him just the way he is, making an awkward, spluttering, blushing mess out of her lover.

She laughed at his reaction and kissed him on the cheek, hugging and cuddling him. He was even more flustered.

He kept receiving glares and disapproving faces though, which made him more uncomfortable than he'd like to admit. He once lamented about it to his lover and asked her if they couldn't just go to the Slytherin room because she wouldn't care either way, but she pointed out that he'd probably be looked at the same way. He was bringing a Gryffindor along and that would be scorned at in the Slytherin house. There was also a chance that he would be flying off the Quidditch team again as there were rumors he threw games for his Gryffindor girlfriend.

He begrudgingly admitted that she was right.

But after a while, it wasn't so bad anymore. The Gryffindor got used to his presence in their common room and mostly ignored him. Caitlyn's friends even acknowledged him and traded short responses and conversations with him.

He did still look out of place in his Slytherin uniform, however, honestly, red and green looked kind of awful together.

The more surprised Lucas was when Ariana, one of Caitlyn's closest friends, started conversing with him when Caitlyn left for the washroom a second ago. Usually, without her here, they'd see no point in talking to him, what made him kind of sad, but not sad enough to do anything about it.

“Uh…”, he stammered out, staring at Ariana helplessly. Great way to start conversations, he snarled at himself in his head, scratching his head awkwardly and smiling his crooked smile. “Well, uh, of course I do. Everyone knows about Harry Potter.”

Ariana nodded. “He defeated the dark lord Voldemort and restored peace to Hogwarts and all of the world. I'm very proud as he was a Gryffindor.” She looks deep in thought before continuing to talk. “He was a true hero. I heard he…”

Suddenly, someone squeezed themselves between Lucas and Ariana. It was Max. “Talking about Potter again? He is truly your favorite topic to talk about, no?”, he said with a laugh, glaring at the Slytherin, but smiling at his fellow Gryffindor at the same time.

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