Baby Brother

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Seth remiscenses about his past with his half-brother Lucas. He also knows about Lucas's crush on Caitlyn. More than Lucas, in fact.

Seth sighed as he gently tried to pry the sticky gum from his half-brother’s hair. He had strongly opposed cutting as he 'loved his precious hair’ and 'would rather go to hell than to cut it’.

“Go to hell.”

“Aw, Seth. Don't be like tha-YEOWCH! What are you doing?”

“I'm helping my stupid half-brother, who has caused more trouble in his two years at Hogwarts than I did in my entire life”, he deadpanned and Lucas groaned.
“Shuddup! Just 'cause there were no annoying Gryffindor when you became a stu-YAAAGH! HEY! You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?”

Seth just smirked at him. He loved Lucas, he loved him a whole lot even, but there was no denying that his half-brother was a childish brat and should be treated that way.

Sometimes Seth wondered, why did he love Lucas that much, even more than he ever loved Aiden and Lilith, his full-blooded siblings? He never found an answer to that. He just did.

Maybe it was because Lucas was the first person he was able to call his sibling, the first time another being was able to sparkle that feeling of protectiveness inside him. He didn't want to feel like that at first, but everything he has made up his mind about flew out of the window when he held Lucas for the first time. Baby Lucas was, contrary to many beliefs, a very adorable baby.

Nobody knew why his mother suddenly decided to get a child with Joshua Green of all people. Especially as she was still married to Stephen Wiltshire. And Joshua Green was also married to Susan Green. But it happened, and she refused to abort it.

And then, Lucas was born. As both of his parents were proud beings, they wanted ‘their’ son to keep their name, however, at the same time they refused to agree with their partners name. They compromised, and Lucas was given that accursed double name. Green-Wiltshire. They even argued over the order of those names.

After that, they both went back to their former partners. Seth was angry at his father for forgiving his mother so easily, but he noticed how Stephen treated Lucas like his own son, like Joshua Green never existed. He understood the love his father must've felt for his mother to forgive something like that.

Susan Green wasn't so forgiving. She left her husband.

Sometimes, Seth himself forgot that Stephen wasn't Lucas father. Nobody treated him differently than they treated Seth during his childhood, and that was it.

However, it became increasingly difficult for Lucas when Aiden was born. Both Stephen and Henrietta fawned over their new son, completely forgetting Lucas in that process. It got even worse when Lilith followed.

Seth remembered the times when an 5 year old Lucas cried in his embrace because he couldn't understand why his parents didn't love him. Seth had always done his best to try to soothe the other boy, but those evenings became more and more frequent.

Then Seth had to leave for Hogwarts. His clingy half-brother didn't want to let him. He cried and screamed, wailing and begging his older brother to stay. Even after Henrietta had scolded and beaten him a few times, he cried even harder and screamed even louder.

Seth realized that Lucas was completely dependant on him. It was no wonder actually, he was the only one who showed affection to the younger boy, the Wiltshire couple being indifferent towards him, his younger half siblings ignoring him. He tried to reassure him, that he'll be able to go to Hogwarts himself in just a few years, that Seth will come back whenever he can.

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