the second poem

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I understand there are some things that hurt,

I understand that sometimes is hard to forgive

and to forget something that someone has done to you,

but remember that you had been in that place

where you've done something wrong

and you don't know how to fix the hurt you caused.

And I understand that it isn't like when we were kids,

when we would take some toy from another kid

and then we would ask to be forgiven,

I understand that now, most of the people wouldn't ask to be forgiven

for saying something hurtful,

I know that we aren't in those old days

where we would be forgiven and inocent,

things have changed a lot in all this time

and also have we.

Sometimes I like to remember how it used to feel to be a kid,

being someone that wouldn't lose hope in people

and would give love without be aware that it could hurt.

Sometimes I like to pretend that I don't know that I can't fly like Peter Pan,

that animals can talk and perfectly understand what we are saying

and doing with this world.

Sometimes I like to pretend that everything and everyone are innocent.


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