Chapter 5

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We got to Broadford and I got a call from I got a call from Mum.

I figured it out.

I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and hours

Maybe I had to take some time.

I answered.

“Hi” I said.

“Where are you? Come home right now.”  She yelled

“I’m taking June and Jess home. An-“ I heard a voice the background. It was Dad. I heard him mumbling and going on about taking Alfie away. My precious car. That was NOT happening. Just as she was going to talk I hung up.

“Guys. Mum is going to take my car away from me. What do I do?” *this must be the reason I’m trapped. Mum. She hasn’t let me go yet.*I thought to myself.

“Well you can leave your car with me and then umm...You can take the bus home.” Jess said.

“How will I get him back?” I asked

“I’ll drive to you place.”Jess replied.

“OMG the thought of someone else driving Alfie is heart breaking.” I said.

“Well I can drive it.” June said. My eyes widened and I couldn’t think straight. Why you June say that to me.

“Ok come drive to my place tonight and we’ll go to the airport and we’ll go to England.” I said to Jess. “Just look after Alfie”

“I will Leigh. You can trust me.”

“why don’t you just stay at my house or something and don’t go home.” June said.”

“Because I need to wash all my clothes and pack other stuff and get my payment from my boss. And yous have to pack. And if your parents say no. We’re running away and then we will be in control of our life and we will be free.” I said.

“But I can’t do that to my mum.” Jess said.

“I could and I will. But mum lets me do anything so she would say yes.” June said

“Well Jess your mum loves you and you let you go probably. But I’m expecting yous to be at my house at 12.00am”

“Why 12?” Jess asked

“Because that’s when everyone is fully asleep. Oh actually don’t come to my house park at the end of the street and text me and I’ll walk there because I’m not waking them up. And getting yelled at”

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