Chapter 6

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It was 9.00am and Aleigha still wasn’t up yet. So I decided that I would make her some bacon and eggs for brekkie and tell her that I’m sorry. I was doing something last night and I guess it wasn’t too bad that to overseas. Aleigha always wanted to go to Ireland. Why should I be the one stopping her from dreaming. So when she wakes up I’ll tell her she can go and I’ll even buy her ticket. About 20 mins later I finished cooking and I went to wake her up. I knocked on the door.


“Aleigha, I have some good news for you. And brekkie.” I said in a soft voice not wanting to piss her off even more. There was no answer. So I tried again but a little louder.

“Leigha, I have good news and brekkie.” Still no answer I tried again three times. But still no answer. So I opened the door just a crack. But when I opened it I saw that it looked a little bare then it should. I thought she rearranged her room. I opened the door to look at her handy work. But all I saw was that that there were no posters of that silly boy band I think there call same direction or something like that…I wasn’t sure and her bed was bare and well. I started get worried. I looked in her closet. Nothing. I was looking around the room I saw a letter on the bed with something wrapped next to it. I opened the letter.


         Look. I’m gone. And I don’t think I’ll be back. Schools over. I’m MY own person now. I have two AWESOME friends and a sexy car. I’m going to Travel. I’ll send post cards and pictures; we can still text each other and everything. But PLEASE don’t come for me, because I won’t come home EVER. I do love you and I will miss you. Look I even left you a bit of chocolate. *so that what that it* I thought to myself.

Love Aleigha

I didn’t know what to think. My baby girl was really grown up. I wasn’t even angry. She is he own person. That doesn’t mean I won’t ever help her again. But she will be back.


“I’m NEVER going back home again.” I say to Jess.

“Why?” She asked like she didn’t know the answer. I just gave her the ‘are you serious’ look and she turned around and then we got comfy. It was gonna take a day and a couple of hours to get to England but it was worth it. Yes you’re probably thinking what has happened to Alfie. The people and the airport said that they will be extra careful with him and he will take about a week to get to England. So we’ll have to make do for a week. But that’s ok. Anyway. I got my iPod out and plugged my headphones in then put them in my ears and pressed shuffle. One Direction came on Truly madly deeply.  I stated drifting off to sleep.


It was going to be a long night for me. First I was hungry and I really need food. Second I can’t sleep because I … well we were actually going to England. I’ve always wanted to live in England. Want to know why… Yes of course… One Direction plus it’s like 1000 miles away from home. Anyway I put my headphones in a started listening to music. Don’t stop 5 seconds of summer. I love this song. I was bopping my head to the music and turned to see Jess staring at me. I stop then we both start laughing. As quietly as we could. We didn’t want to wake people up. Then I started people watching. (A/N If you haven’t tried people watching. Do it. Its lots of fun seeing people trip or catch someone picking their nose hehe) I was looking around when I saw some guy checking out some chick’s boobs while she was sleep. His eyes where hooked. I wanted to go over there and slap him but insed I got a piece of paper from Jess and scrunched it up she hit me cause it was a waste of good paper but when I told her what I was doing with it she agreed with me and watched. I turned around and started to aim. Then I threw the paper and it got him right in the eye. He moaned and started looking around when he looked at me I gave him a death stare and he realised that he had been court. But that didn’t stop him he kept looking. I guess it was ok because it was going to be the closest thing he can get to ever looking at some again. I turned back around and yawned and finally nodded off.

Jess’ POV

Leigh was on the window side I was in the middle and June was on the other side of me. We were sitting in silence until Leigh broke it.

“I’m NEVER going back home again.” She said to me

“Why?” I asked not knowing why. She gave me a ‘are you serious’ look and then I just turned away getting comfy again. Leigha got her iPod out and started listening to music. I got my diary out of my bag and a pen and started writing about today. I also drew a couple of pictures. Then from the corner of my eye I saw movement. I turn around and see June doing something with her head and just stared at her. She turned while dancing and saw me and stopped. We laughed silently and then started do our own thing again. After a bit June shook my shoulder and asked for a piece of paper. I ribbed a bit out of the back and she took it and scrunched it up. I hit her arm.

“Why did you do that for?” I asked angrily

“this guy is looking and this chicks boobs and I want to chuck it at him so he can quit being a perv.” She said. I then looked at him and he wasn’t stopping so I nodded my head and she threw it. It hit him right in the eye I laughed then turned back around and finished my diary and then packed up then went to sleep.

Aleigha’s POV

I got woken up by Jess shaking my shoulder. It was light and I started looking around. It looked like we had landed.

“June is going crazy” Jess said I sat up to see that June was freaking out she was talking to herself and laughing and dancing and she just wanted to get off the plane. Everyone did.

“So we’ve landed?” I said

“Yep. What should we do first?”  Jess asked.

“I don’t know… ask her” I said pointing to June.

“June what should we do?” I said looking at June. She just stopped and then was all serious I then got scared. She had a crazy look in her eyes.

“Find One Direction.” She said in an evil way then started saying Liam’s name.

We got off the plane found our luggage and then waited got a taxi. After about 10 minutes we got in the taxi and then headed for a hotel.

Ok. That’s an end to another chapter. This is where all the action starts. Sorry it’s been boring but you need details… ‘Am I right.’ The good words of Olaf the snowman. Well if you do like this book please comment because I need feedback. And I will update again tomorrow. Bye bye.

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