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*Louis' P.O.V.

"See ya later mate." Liam said as I got out of his car. I nodded and waved goodbye as I walked up to my front door. I heard the sound of the cars engine vanish down the road as I pulled out my house key.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing and locking it afterwards. I slipped out of my jean jacket which was now splattered with blood. I let out a tired sigh and held my coat in one hand, running the other hand through my hair.

I've never been as scared or frustrated as I am now. I never should've let Sam live here. I love her to death but I'm only putting her in danger. I should've left her at our aunt's house. I'm so stupid. If anything ever happened to her, I would never be able to live with myself.

I walked into the living room where my dad was sitting on the sofa talking quietly on the phone. When he noticed me, he looked up. I took the bundle of cash from my pant pocket and tossed it to him. He held the phone between his ear and shoulder as he counted the money. He split the money and handed me back half.

"Well done son." He said his hand covering the speaker on the phone so whoever he was talking to wouldn't hear him. "I have to leave in the morning for business. I won't be back until Christmas." He added. His eyes held a sympathetic look and I could tell he didn't want to be doing this anymore than I did. But that's the thing. No one ever wants to do it, but someone has to.

"Why so long this time?" I asked rather upset.

"I'm getting us out of this mess. Just take care of Sam while I'm gone." He murmured.

I gave a nod and walked upstairs to my room. On the way I passed by Sam's room and poked my head in the door only to see that she wasn't in her bed. My eyes flickered nervously around her room trying to find her. The entrance to the attic was open which meant she must be up there.

I shut her door and made my way to the game room where the entrance to my bedroom was. I punched in the code on the wall and climbed up the ladder into my room. Everything looked the same as it did when I left. I crept over to the door that connected my room to Sam's.

I unlocked it from my side and pulled the door open. Sure enough Sam was curled up on her bean bag chair fast asleep. I picked her up and carried her down to her bed; which is quite difficult with a ladder. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

"I'll protect you." I whispered then made my way back to my room and let my body finally rest.

*Sam's P.O.V.

I woke up in my bed. I could've sworn I passed out upstairs. Someone must have carried me down. Suddenly all the event from last night flooded back. The boys. The collections. The gun.

Should I ask Louis about it? No. Definitely not. He would get mad at me for snooping in his room and then he would probably just make up a stupid lie. I have to figure this out on my own.

I walked over to the bathroom, hopping in the shower and letting the hot water massage my back. The water and shampoo stung the cut on the back of my head as I washed my hair but I ignored it.

I wrapped my towel around my hair and slid into my matching bra and panties. I wandered back into my room to find an outfit as I brushed my teeth. The weather was starting to cool down so I threw a cardigan over my outfit. I put my hair up in a sock bun with a cute bow and then applied my normal, everyday makeup.

I walked downstairs with my purse. My school bag was still in my locker because I never had the chance to grab it.

I walked into the kitchen where my dad sat drinking his tea and reading the newspaper. Typical English man. I kissed his cheek and grabbed a bowl and some cereal out of the cabinet.

As I sat down with my bowl of cereal my dad spoke, "Sam, I'm leaving soon for a business trip and I woke be back until Christmas time. Louis is going to be in charge and I want you to listen to what he says."

My eyebrows furrowed and a frown set on my lips. This is the third time he had to leave for business. "Mom never had to leave for business. And why so long?" I asked spooning some more lucky charms.

My dad's looked down at his tea cup. "A lot of changes have been happening since I took over your mothers company. After this I won't have to leave anymore though. Promise." He said but it was obvious he was lying. Why is everyone in this house so damn secretive? Once again I didn't push for more details. There's got to be a reason why he's not telling me.

I kissed his cheek one more time before making my way out to my car. As I went to get in my car, the familiar black range rover stopped on the street at the bottom of my drive way and honked. I didn't even notice the smile that formed on my face.

Something about Harry made me happy. I don't know what it was though. I've known him for a day and somehow just the sight of him made my annoyance towards my dad vanish. I just felt comfortable around him and all fuzzy and warm inside. Even though he's hiding something from me and he's the school's biggest player I couldn't help but want to get to know him more. Even if that risked me developing feelings for him.

He rolled his tinted window down. His varsity jacket on over top of his white v-neck, a few necklaces hung low on his chest and his famous smirk on. I walked up to his car and rested my arms on his now open window.

"Sup Styles." I greeted leaning in to kiss his cheek. I swear I could see a blush rise on his cheeks as his smirk turned into a genuine smile.

"Just heading to school when I saw you and thought I'd say hi. So yeah, hi." He joked. I laughed lightly. "Do you want a ride?" he asked suddenly.

"You know I have a car right?" I asked nodding my head in the direction of my sports car.

"I'll buy you Starbucks on the way." He persuaded.

"Well how can I say no to that offer?"

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