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Tom's P.O.V. (I know I'm changing it quite a bit sorry!)

I paced back and forth through the kitchen of the house. It's not any of our houses but we're occupying it at the moment. It's been awfully quiet downstairs and I'm starting to get worried. I really hope they don't die.

I mean. I would go down there and explain everything that's going on to them but I can't. It's not that easy. Our boss doesn't want us to show any sympathy to them and he has the entire house on watch. Like there are actually cameras in our house and people watching the cameras.

Samantha should be here any minute. I still haven't some up with a favour for her. I've been too focused on how to get her separated from the rest of One Direction. I shouldn't be worrying about that though. I still have a several months.

It's not like I want to ruin her life. Or anyone's for the matter. Sure Louis' beat me up a few times, but I've beat him and his gang just as much. I just need to get out of this. I've already lost my mom and dad to a gang fight. I don't plan on losing my little sister too. She's probably around Sam's age, maybe younger. I really need the money from boss though so I can't move far away and start a new life. He also promised to clean all of our police records. It's our only chance.

My thoughts were interrupted by a steady knock of the front door. Everyone else in the house was still sleeping so I answered it.

*Sam's P.O.V.

"Oh hello, come in." Tom said when he answered the door. I nodded stepping into the house and taking off my faded black toms. My hair was tied in a messy ponytail and I had a headband to keep any loose strands out of my face.

"What's the favour?" I asked softly. Ever since the chat I had this morning with Harry I've decided that I don't hate the wanted as much any more.


"Any last advice you'd like to give me before I head out?" I asked leaning my back against the wall by the front door. He stood only a foot away from me, his towering figure looking down at me. His hair was messy and his under-eyes a little baggy and dark but he looked gorgeous none the less.

"Yes. Just remember the more you cooperate with them the easier it will be. They don't want to hurt you. I could see it in Jay's eyes yesterday. They have a boss just like I do and they're being told to do this. I'm sure if they could, they wouldn't even be in this crummy town." Harry said; his face serious for once.

"Who's your boss?" I asked curiously.

"I'm sure you'll figure that out soon enough. But he isn't nearly as bad as The Wanted's boss. Just, please be safe, okay babe?" Harry asked closing the gap between us and pressing his body against mine. I nodded tilting my head up to kiss him.

He kissed all over my face causing me to let out a giggle before hushing me by connecting our lips once again. His lips moved perfectly with mine sending tingles all the way to my toes.

"Be back soon." I said kissing him one last time before walking out the door.


"I don't know. I didn't really have time to think of it if I being honest. Um I guess you can just clean up. The others will be down in about am hour and then we want to talk to you. So just occupy yourself with chores until then I guess." He said shrugging and leaving the room.

"Um, yeah okay." I said moving through the house and cleaning as I went.

An hour passed by quickly and I soon found myself sitting on a chair facing the five punks. I waited awkwardly for one of them to talk.

"So we're gonna let you take home Liam and Zayn tonight. Since they have to be at school tomorrow. But we're gonna keep Louis until you give us two more favours. We'll let you know when we want them done and you are not to tell any of your little boyfriends, got it?" Jay asked.

I nodded quickly excited that I would be able to take home two more of the boys. The Wanted seemed to be acting pretty nice.

"What happens after? Am I just supposed to forget you kidnapped my brother and four of my friends?" I ask quite angrily.

"Precisely. We'll leave you alone if you leave us alone." Siva compromised.

I squinted my eyes at them suspiciously. What have they accomplished from kidnapping the boys? A clean house and a jealous Harry? There has to be more to it. What are they up to?

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