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Harry's P.O.V.

"Did you guys hear that?" Niall asked whipping his head around to look behind us. Everyone shook their head and I looked behind me also. The alleyway was dark and it seemed endless but I didn't see anyone there. We headed into the heart of downtown Manchester.

"There's nothing there Niall." Zayn muttered and we all continued following Liam. I held onto my gun that was fully loaded and in my waist band of my jeans. A sudden chill went through my body as we neared the opening that I was all too familiar with. I could hear the sound of drunken men yelling.

I dropped my hand from my gun and pulled my shirt down covering it so it would go unnoticed. I stepped out into the clearing where hundreds of men and teenagers just like myself crowded around a cheaply made boxing ring with stadium seats. Street fights occurred almost every weekend around here. I wasn't participating today. Usually I would and I was the undefeated champion along with the other boys but I wasn't challenged by anyone this weekend.

"You ready mate?" I asked nudging Liam. He rarely got challenged or challenged anyone to these fights. Depending on the fight would determine how much money you made. Louis and I are the top fighters so we make more than anyone else who has ever step foot in the ring, except for Louis'dad. He was the king of street fighting.

"Yeah, it's just Cole. Easy money. You should be worrying about Niall." Liam said as he shrugged off his hoodie.

I looked over to see Zayn giving a rather pale looking Niall a pep talk. He was the weakling in our group. He's also the only one out of the five of us who has ever lost a fight. Only he and Liam were fighting today.

I placed a hand on Niall's shoulder as we watched Liam climbed into bloodstained ring. A look of confidence crossed his face as he popped in a mouth guard and put on his thinly padded boxing gloves.

Sam's P.O.V.

"Oh.My.God." Jessica whispered as we watched the announcer lift up Liam's arm; an unconscious man lying next to him covered in blood. Liam climbed out of the ringed, only the slight bruise forming on his jaw and fist bumped all the boys as two larger men had to carry the other guy out.

We had managed to find a small opening behind a dumpster to watch everything without being spotted. I knew the boys were up to something but street fighting? Really?

"Why would they do this?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"I don't know maybe they like the adrenaline rush-" Jessica started but stopped as so as the referee starting talking.

"And the total amount collected from this fight is $3,750. It goes to 1D, the east Cheshire gang." His voice boomed and everyone cheered as the Liam stepped back into the ring, now fully clothed to receive a huge bundle of cash.

They're a gang. Louis is in a gang. And it's called 1D. I don't know much about gangs but that's a pretty gay name for a group of men who are supposed to be scary and intimidating. It can be used against in such funny ways, I mean really? One 'D'.

As he stepped out of the ring he patted Niall's back and Niall stepped into the ring. The crowd fell silent and my heart pounded. Niall was so innocent.

"No. Not Niall." Jessica hissed and she tried to jump out of our hiding spot to retrieve Niall but I yanked her back down.

"We can't go out there. He'll be fine Jess." I spoke trying to convince myself at the same time.

Another man stepped into the ring. He was larger than Niall but I couldn't see who it was. He turned around and I let out a loud gasp but the cheering was so loud I couldn't even hear it.

"That's Siva." I stated.

"We have a special fight for you today. A member from the two biggest gangs in Cheshire, we have Niall from 1D and Siva from the wanted." The announcer spoke.

It all happened to fast. One moment Niall had Siva on the ground beating him to a pulp then the next Niall was on the ground clutching his side where Siva had stabbed him. The crowd went crazy and ran towards the ring. I couldn't see anything and I clung onto Jessica so she couldn't run out.

Suddenly the sound of a gun being fired was heard and everything went crazy. The drunken men raced in all directions clearing the stadium in less then 3 minutes. The only people left were The Wanted and the 1D gang; Siva and Niall both lying on the mat, their blood mixing together in a pool of red.

Siva had obviously been the victim of whomever shot the gun. It had hit his thigh. The groups spoke words that I couldn't make out and Louis, Niall, Harry and Liam crouched down around Niall.

The Wanted went to tend to Siva but it was like they all changed their mind at the exact same moment and instead pounced on the boys from behind. Max pulled a gun out of Harry pants and then fired it into the air. A lot of shouting was heard as the boys struggled to get free from the Wanted's grasp but the wanted had already tied all of them up and threw them into the back of a grey mini van.

I went to jump out to yell at The Wanted to stop, to do anything but Jessica held me back.

"Sam we can't do anything. They'll take us too. We have to wait and follow them." She led me back down the alleyway to my car and we both got in, following the minivan as it sped down the road.

The van stopped outside an old house and they all got out, dragging the 1D boys into the house. I rolled down my window so I could hear what they were saying.

"We'll keep them here till Monday. Then we can get their precious little girls from school." Max chuckled darkly.

"Leave them out of this you faggot." Harry hissed biting Tom's arm. Tom shrieked rather femalely and punched Harry hard in the gut making Harry wince.

"Let's go Sam before we get caught. We'll come back for them tomorrow once we figure out what to do." Jessica stated rolling up the window. The front door of the house slammed shut and the lights flickered on. I nodded and sped down the street in the direction of home.

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