Chapter Four

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                I rode down the street as fast as I could trying not to listen to the boys behind me but the sound of my old bumpy wheels rolling over the hot sidewalk. I got about two blocks ahead of the boys and stopped in the first shop I saw. It wasn’t till I got inside that I noticed it was a Starbucks. I sat down at a table and slid my board under the table making sure I had my back towards the door.

                It wasn’t even two minutes later when I heard a few guys walk in. I turned expecting it to be some of Tommy’s friends but instead I see four really cute guys. One looks at me and smiles he had bright blue eyes and a sweet smile.  I smiled back and wave as his friends finally look at me. They turn back around and order. Once they get their drinks the sit at my table and introduce themselves.

                “I’m Nash, this is Cameron, and they are both Jack.” Nash says with another bright smile.

                “Well seems easy enough.” I say giggling a little. “I’m Shelby.” I reach out and shake all their hands. Then Nash’s phone rings.

                “Hay dude what’s up?” Nash asks into the phone.

                After a long pause and a few yes and no’s his mouth drops open and he starts laughing. “Yeah bro I’ll be there in a few and I’ll watch out for a hot chick on a skate board. I’ll talk to you later Connor.” With that he ends the call and I flip the skate board over so no one can see it.

                “Well we are going to meet some friends at the beach. If you want to come down and swim with us or later just call me.” with that he wrote his number on his coffee cup and turned it towards me. Then he got up and left.

                I waited for them to get a block away then I grabbed my board and his coffee and started after them. When I got close I held up the cup and yelled, “Thanks for the coffee!” when I got close to them they separated and let me ride between them. As I passed I winked at Nash as I took a drink out of the cup.

                I rode down the street till I reached the bathrooms at the beach. I held my breath and slipped in to change quickly. The bathing suit I picked out was a maroon colored suit with plain bikini bottoms and a strapless top that had tassels that hung down longer in the center and shorter on the sides and back. I braid my hair over my shoulder when I get out. Finally I grabbed my phone out of my bag and called Nash.

                He picked up after a few rings. “Where are you guys meeting to others?” I ask not waiting on him to even ask who it was.

                “There is a small hat place on the right side of the bathrooms if you can find them. Form the shop just walk to the shore line and wait for us.” He says and I say a quick thank you then a goodbye and hang up the phone.

                After about five minutes of walking I finally found the shop and walked into the warm sand. I laid out my towel and slipped off my shoes so I could feel the cold water and warm sand between my toes. When I finally looked up I saw all a group of guys swimming. Then I looked around and saw Trevor lying in the sand being covered by Danny with sand. I smile and walk deeper into the water letting it come over my knees. It had reached my belly button when the boys finally noticed me there. 

                “Look who finally stopped running.” Said Sam as he came out of the water and hugged me.

                “I wasn’t running.” I say turning and watching Sam flip the water out of his eyes sending sprinkles of water everywhere.

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