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I woke up in the middle of the night with beads of sweat running down my face, even though I was freezing. I leaned over the side of the bed and threw up.

My heart monitor was beeping like crazy. My mother and a nurse burst into my room. The nurse put an oxygen mask on my face and told me to take big, deep breaths.





My heart rate slowed down to the normal speed and everyone sighed in relief.

"Did you forget to take your meds again, Bethany?" the nurse asked knowingly. I nodded, still out of breath. She left and came back with a bottle of my daily pills and water.

"Here. Take them and go back to sleep, alright? It's okay." she smiled and began cleaning up from when I threw up. My mother touched my cheek and left.

"Nurse Collins, we need you in Room 302." a voice over the intercom said. She hurried out of the room.

I gasped. Room 302 was Austin's room.

The next morning I woke up feeling better, but not much. I was extremely hungry. The nurse gave me some spiked oatmeal and water. I made a face.

"I know, honey. Just don't think about it." the nurse told me sympathetically.

I sighed and forced it down. I was bored to death. My friends were all at school, so I couldn't text them. I wished I could be there. Yes, I wish I could go to school. You never realize what a privilege it is until you don't have it.

"Honey, why don't you go to the park for a bit? Your tutor doesn't come until 4, and it's only 11:00." my mother said.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. There was a little park outside of the hospital where patients could visit if they felt up to it. I showered and got dressed. The nurse suggested I take a wheelchair so I didn't get too tired, so I did.

I wheeled out to the park and stopped beside the big fountain, called "Wish Fountain". People would throw pennies in, and the money was collected and donated to the hospital. I thought it was all bullshit, personally. Wishes weren't real. Trust me, I'd made my share of wishes, and look where I am now.

"Bethany?" I wheeled around and came face-to-face, or chair-to-chair, with Austin.

"Hey." I smiled, genuinely glad to see him.

"How are you?" he asked, returning the smile.

"Fine, you? I heard something happened to you last night."

"Oh yeah, just the usual crap. Threw up, heart went crazy, oxygen mask, you know. How'd you hear about it?" he asked curiously.

I stared at him, forgetting to answer his question.

"Hello? Earth to Beth." he waved his hand in front of my face.

"The exact same thing happened to me last night. The nurse was called out of my room to go see you." I said, awestruck.

"Okay..first the same problems, now at the same time, this is getting weird." He laughed light-heartedly.

"Yeah." I said thoughtfully and looked at him.

Again, I felt that strange urge to kiss him.

"What the heck, Bethany." I mentally kicked myself for being stupid.

"I'd better get back up there, my tutor's coming soon. Bye, Austin." I smiled and began to wheel away.

"Bye." he replied, and I could feel his gaze on the back of my head as I left.

When I got back up, there was a piss energy drink waiting for me. Somehow, knowing that Austin knew what I was going through made it a little more bearable.

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