Indya's Life?

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I woke up and scanned through my closet for a outfit to wear. I chose this black hoodie type shirt I got for my birthday and some black ripped jeans and undergarments. I took a 10 minutes shower got dressed washed my face with black soap & brushed my teeth.

I put my belt on and put my hoops and my necklace. I checked the time it was 8:00 I hurried into my room I couldn't find my black vans so I hopped on my navy blue high top ones and grabbed my charger earphones and car keys and put my phone in my pocket. I hopped in the car and got on my route to school.

I got there at 8:17 I didn't eat breakfast but I only have 2 classes anyways and the school year is almost over two more months. When I first got to school I rushed to the rest room to do my hair and throw it in a messy pony tail then I began to walk to first hour when I got a text from Jas I swear she just made this biggest smile come across my face.

@JasmineCentina- Good morning Beautiful 🖤
@Theonlyindya- Good morning my love I'm gonna text you later I'm On my way to class right now
@JasmineCentina- alright you better😌😋

"I better" I mumbled to myself walking into Mrs. Richards class . I sat down next to a empty seat in the back I started on the essay she instructed us to do like always. Then the class door slammed which caused everyone to jump except me I was really worried then someone sat next to me I continued doing my work because this is the only class I have a B in a 83 is not good I'm supposed to be going to UCLA . My GPA is a good 4.0 but all my grades has to be up.

Then I Felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see this stud she was so fine 🤤😍 but wait no I'm with jasmine we'll not really but we- "Hello you there" she spoke so soft her voice was like heaven "U-uhh yea wassup" I said "I Just Wanted To introduce myself I don't wanna give off an bad impression I'm Jade" she said looking me in the eye. "H-hi I'm Indya nice to meet you" I said shyly. "Nice name would you mind explaining what we are supposed to be working on?" Jade said. "Uhmm sure we are doing a 5 page essay on which college we want to go to and why" I said.

"I don't even want to go to college I'm going straight in to the Marine Corps I Only Have This Class And Song writing all I need to graduate I was in Mr. Rodgers Class But They put a butt load of juniors in there🤷🏼‍♀️" jade said. "Oh ok that's cool I take film & production next I want to become a model but they're making me take that class I just have two months 1 final and 2 final exams I wish life would move faster" I said. "Ladies lower your voices back there" Mrs. Richardson said. And we began to finish our work .

I got done and relaxed my head on the desk I was about to doze off until I was tapped . "Yes?" I said sleepily "My Bad I was just wondering would you like to go out for lunch since we both only have two classes and it seems like you don't eat school food🤷🏼‍♀️" Jade said. "How'd you know😂" I giggled . " I don't even know I just guessed and I low key wanted to spend more time with you" she said.

Then I thought about jas and I had this expression on my face "as friends" she said and a smile appeared on my face "sure it would be nice to have some new friends". "Give me your number so we could text sometime and meet my out by the front after second hour" Jade said. I put my number in her phone and then the bell rung second hour needs to speed up I'm tired.


After Second hour I was hungry and tired. I really just wanted some good food because I couldn't handle the grumbling in my stomach. Then I seen Jade walking out the school with some dude they laughed and talked a little and she started to walk towards me but ran back after the dude said something and did a handshake and she walked towards me. " Hey nice handshake" I said " Thanks and where do you wanna go to eat" she said.

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