chapter 6

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If only I was honest with myself from get go, I could've possibly avoided all of this , but to be honest I've craved you so deeply and now isnt the best of times to do that.

I've craved you from the moment our lips touched for the first time. In others eyes it was a quick peck but to me the memory of your soft lips still haunts me today. And I start thinking of how that same night I could've kissed you, but didn't because I would've started tripping and falling would be the next step.

Since then I've ignored every feeling in my body that wants to know, love, and be with you. In all honesty the chances of you liking me are slim to non. As much as the thought alone hurts me I understand. I'm not who you're looking for, I'm not she who you could actually want. I am she who only deserves to know your name.

The worst part about this rejection is that its a decision I made because I knew no scratch that I know I'll never be a choice only some girl who's brother is your friend and who so happens to be friends with one if your close friends.

I'm sorry to be a bother in your life. I'm sorry I wish you'd allow me your time and I'm sorry for these emotions  whether they be true or false. I really do like you and crashing from this high is really starting to crush my heart.

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