The Russian Punk

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Yurio's POV

(Y/n) skated really well today, not that she doesn't normally. I have watched her skate for quite a while, but something was different this time. And she looked genuinely surprised to see me watching. Maybe that was the difference. I don't even really know why I care. She just as annoying as everyone else.

I walk back to the front to leave, since my rehearsal was before hers and I only stayed to watch. If Viktor knew he would probably nag me about it and call me a stalker. I see (y/n) going out the front door, and like always she greets me in the same annoying way. This time, I actually turn to reply, much to the surprise of both of us.

"Hey...(y/n) skated really well today," I said akwardly. I am not exactly used to talking to people without yelling at them.

"Thanks Yurio!" she said brightly. Something inside of me didn't mind the fact that she just called me Yurio. It actually sounded kind of cute when she did it. I said what I wanted to say, and now I don't know what to do.

"E-erm...well bye," I said.

"You know, you're really cute when you get uncomfortable," she said giggling.

"SHUT UP!!" I said, sounding a lot more like myself.

"-Kay bye now!" She said laughing.

She pisses me off, but I can't help thinking that she is kind of cute.

Lilia Baranovskaya (the ballet teacher from Bolshoi) scheduled to do another private with me at 4 pm. Yakov was going to come, but she yelled at him that he would just be an idiot and in her way. I didn't really want him there either, because we would never get anything done between them fighting.

Baranovskaya did an extra long class today, and I didn't get out till a little after 6 pm. Once I was done I went out to eat with Yuuri and Viktor, only because they begged me too. For first time ever, they did not get drunk and start undressing each other. They just talked about random stuff. At one point they started discussing my love life.

"Yurio, is there a guy that you like? I mean there could be a girl, but it's not likely," said Viktor excitedly. I made an annoyed sound.

"Everyone pisses me off," I replied.

"Oh Yurio, we know you are secretly a cinnamon roll!" Said Yuuri fondly.

"I am NOT a cinnamon roll!" I hiss, ready to punch Yuuri...again.

"You are so cute," says Viktor, like he is my dad.

"SHUT UP!" I yell, making some of the diners around us stare.

Viktor and Yuuri just looked at each other knowingly. I hate when they try to act like they are my parents. They are so annoying.

I eventually left, making some excuse about having an early class with Lilia. I know I would be there all night if I didn't leave then. Viktor and Yuuri have no concept bed times.

I got to my house at about 11:30 pm. I took a shower and sat in my bed listening to music and scrolling on Instagram. I saw Viktor had posted a photo of the three of us at dinner. Damn Viktor. He didn't ask me. I took a quick picture of my cat and posted it. It instantly got a ton of likes, telling me that my creepy fans were still awake and stalking. My cat is pretty cute, though.

I put my phone on the charger and went to sleep.


I actually didn't lie about having a class with Baranovskaya this morning. I got to the studio at 8:30 am. I sat stretching beneath the barre, when Lilia walked in. She looked more mad than usual. I stood up immediately and awaited the first combination. We went through the class, and she gave me minimal corrections. Not because I didn't do things wrong, but because she wasn't really paying much attention to me. I guess her and Yakov had been yelling last night. Glad I don't still live with them. That would be a nightmare.

"Did I dance well today?" I asked after class.

"Da," she replied distractedly. She dug for something in her purse for a second and then left, leaving me standing in the foyer staring after her. I wonder what's up.

"Trouble with Lilia?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see (y/n) smirking.

"What do you want, Ballet Princess?" I said, mockingly. She just grinned.

"You didn't answer my question, Russian Punk."

"Hag," he said under his breath, "yeah, she didn't watch me AT ALL, okay! Why?"

"Because....she is going on a date with Yakov!" She replied dramatically. This was not the answer that I was expecting.


"I know! Wanna go spy on them? I know where they are going," she said excitedly. It would be interesting to go see Baranovskaya and Yakov together, but I don't know if I want to go with her.

"Where is it?" I asked skeptically.

"This fancy place uptown," she said conspiratorially, "that serves Salted Herring and little bowls of Borscht."

That does sound good...

"Okay I will go," I agreed, "but not for you." I added hastily. The damn Princess just laughed.

Thanks dear readers for putting up with my really cringey writing! Love you all so much! So far I am relatively on schedule...come back tomorrow for the next chapter! (I know they short, deal widdit). Bye Lovelies!  

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