Well Darn

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Rare pic of Authorchan there...
Yes Balletlover85 you own me when I'm in it *wink wonk*
K Ima be super mean authorchan and spoil it. This is the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed, and don't hate when you read ending!
Yuri's POV
The next morning I woke up in (y/n)'s bed. The memory of everything came back. We hadn't done anything, for which I was partially glad...but still. Chris must have slipped something in my drink, I actually wouldn't put it past him.
I decided I needed to go speak with Viktor. What has come over me? What in the world would have to be happening for me to go speak to the Old Man of all people? Even I don't know...
I knocked on their door and heard no reply, so I made my way downstairs to where I saw them at breakfast.
"Viktor," I called, he looked up.
"No, it was Chris," he replied then went back to eating his toast. I rolled my eyes.
"Now is not the time to act childish, old man...pazhalusta..."
At my saying 'please' for the first time in my life, he jerked his head up, and I could tell I had his full attention.
"Could we talk somewhere without..." I inclined my head towards Yuuri, "the Katsudon?"
His expression turned hard, "anything you have to say to me, you can say to him. We are your dads after all!"
I rolled my eyes again, slowly thinking this was NOT such a good idea.
"Fine." I sat down at their table and cleared my throat trying to think how to begin.
"I have this problem...you are my last resort..."

*time skip (and this time not just cuz am lazy af)*

(Y/N) was awake and getting her stuff together, and the common room was full of people bustling about.
"Do you have everything together?" (Y/N) asked me like a mother hen. I nodded, clearly annoyed. She laughed at my pissed off face. I made a 'tch' sound and kept going.
She was packing her bags, double checking everything to make sure she left nothing behind. I watched her kind of sadly as she gathered her things.
I noticed Viktor watching me. I gave a small, rare smile and nodded.
As I watched all the people in the common room going to and fro I noticed one person was not there.
(Y/N) turned to me and gave me a glowing smile. Then she walked closer to me.
"We need to talk."

*TIME SKIP two years later BISHESSSS!!!*
"...in sickness and in health..."
"...for richer or for poorer..."
"...till death do ye part..."
"I do."
And at that Otabek put the ring on Yuri's finger and they kissed like they would never part again.

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