Some Pizza and a Darn Phone Charger

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Your POV
We were done watching the skaters, Mila and Sala had done very well. Yurio had already finished his practice. It was late and Viktor (of course) decided that we should all go out to eat. We decided to go to an Italian restraunt, of which Sala and (her brother) were very happy. We all got some sort of pasta except Minami who got a kid's cheese pizza. The two Italian skaters where actually pretty disappointed with the food quality.
"The food in Italia is MUCH better than this crap they call pasta!" Sala announced, with the air of one reproaching a child. Her brother nodded his head in agreement as he eyed his plate disgustedly.
"Moi piffa ith great," Minami declared around a mouthful of cheese and tomato paste.
Everyone laughed and Chris threw his arm drunkenly around Otabek, who glared at anyone who dared to laugh. Viktor gave a very bubbly laugh and looked at Yuuri, with that Yura rolled his eyes, and scooted next to me.
"We should probably clean up and get out before this turns...nasty," he murmured.
I sighed deeply and nodded, "we need some sleep anyway."
We scooted out and the only one who noticed our departure was Otabek. But then, he tended to be very perceptive, and had quite the attention to detail.
Yuri and I found a taxi and rode back to our hotel. We thanked the driver and handed him some bills then made our way back to the room. The only one in here was Guang Hong Ji sitting in a couch reading a book by the few scraps of light that battled out the darkness. We made our way quietly around to our door, then slipped in.
In my corner of the room I set down my bag and untied my shoes. When I got out a change of clothes, I walked past Yura to the bathroom and quickly told him I was going to take a shower. He did not reply. I entered the bathroom and put my things on the counter, taking out a towel and grabbing one of those teeny little shower gel bottles that they give you at the front desk. It took a minute to figure out how the water worked, but eventually it came out hot and I turned it to shower. Once I got in I sighed with relief. Showers are the best. I just stood there for a second reveling in the peacefulness of the water running over me. After a bit I grabbed up the soap and started to work. I was just finishing washing my hair when I heard a knock at the bathroom door. I froze. The door opened slightly and I felt my face starting to heat up.
It was Yuratchka.
"I just wanted to ask...can I borrow your charger?" he called from the other side of the bathroom. He was still partially behind the door, but I was still blushing profusely.
"Y-yes," I stammered.
"Er-- thanks... I must have left mine at the restraunt..." he replied, somewhat awkwardly. I was silently wishing that he would just go away.
He stood there for a second, but after what felt like an eternity he left and closed the bathroom door. Finally I finished showering. I got out, put on my pajamas, and dried my hair, put it up in a quick bun then walked out. I didn't look up until I bumped into something. A very...hard...something.
"Suca," I muttered to myself, and tried to go around the apparent wall, but found it impossible. I was slowly being encased in a warm cocoon. I looked up and saw sea green eyes boring into mine. At that I just gave up and slumped against him. I was so tired from the whole day.
"Spasibo," he said softly.
I looked up, "for what?"
"For letting me borrow your charger."
In that moment I wanted to slap the smirk off his face, and hide my own blushing one in shame...but I did neither. I just looked down once more and buried my face in his shoulder. At some point he must have let go, because I found myself in my bed.
When I woke up.
I woke up screaming. Screaming Yura's name.
He got up and came over to me, and got in beside me.
"'re fine...I'm right's alright now..."

Alright lovelies.
*lays down on ground*
You can kill me now.
I know I promised I would update twice this week, and TECHNICALLY the week is not over so...
But yeah, stooff happened and I had to go to the doctor blah blah blah you don't wanna hear about my problems... So anyway, love you guys who are still putting up with the me!
(And I have a surprise for you soon ;})
Bye lovelies!!!

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