I love MY friends

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I love my friend group so damn much. In my little group of friends there are subgroups(as all friend groups seem to have). I guess you could say I'm part of a few of them, but the group I won't leave even if they commit murder would be my OG girls. The name is lame I know, we aren't too proud of it, but they are my best friends. I met them in middle school, when my parents thought it was a great idea to put me in an extended French school. I hated that school so much, because there was so much drama with me and this girl, Jessica. Anyways, if you wanna know all the drama between me and her in a nutshell here it is:

I liked this boy who she got with knowing I liked him and I continued liking him because I have no control over my emotions and she bitched at me for that.

It's pretty stupid now, but at the time it was a huge deal. She would talk shit about me to people that frankly didn't even like her, so they'd come and tell me everything she'd say. It kinda hurt actually, cause I used to look up to her. My best friends (who we'll call Nina and Sonia) were there with me through it all. They didn't believe shit that came out of her mouth and was always by my side. You know the saying "ride or die"? That's literally them. Moving on to the beginning of high school, Jessica and I got over our differences and became friends again. We aren't besties, and we will never EVER be close, but we're friends and that's all that matters..cause that means no more drama, right? Fast tracking to grade 11, where my friend problems are now beginning. You see, in the second half of grade 10 I met this amazing guy(I'll save this cheesy romance story for another time). This guy, Chad, is my boyfriend for over a year now. We come from two completely different friend groups. My people would choose movies over a party, water over alcohol, eco club over smoking. Chads' people would choose parties over studying, smoking and drinking over... well anything really. My people talk about tv shows and the latest memes or celebrity gossip while they talk about when they're going to get high/drunk, and drama that's happening between themselves. The conflict is that, to spend more time with Chad (which is what I really want to do) I have to spend more time with his people. Spending time with his people isn't the problem, because it seems I'm more of their type and I relate to them more then my own friend group. The scary part of it all is that I don't want to leave my friends just because I want to hang out with my boyfriend more. I know for a fact that if I leave them, if I spend even the littlest time with Chads friends, I'll get hooked and I will leave my friends.

If you have advice for me, here's a good place to give it because I don't want to leave the people who have been there for me through thick and thin just because I want to do and be with Chads people, my reason just doesn't feel valid.

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