Chp 15:Hi

325 12 9

~Dreams pov~

I went to Errors house with Ink. Error came out. 

 "Error" I said to him looking in his maroon eyes.

 " I love you and you only! " I said while letting go of Ink's hands and taking his face and kissing him. I felt him kiss back and hold my waist.

 "I love you as well Dream" he said. We then made out and Ink left.

~Inks pov~ 

I arrived at the cliff. I jumped off the cliff screaming 'Fuck you error' I then died happily. I also married Hamilton 's son.


This not real. Happy April fools. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

~Errink~ (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now