Chp 19 : Are you alive?

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So, Error is at the brink of dieing. And afterdeath is coming.
Song:I need your love Nightcore-Calvin Harris
~Inks pov~
When i was hugging Error I felt a wave of negative feelings. But they weren't Nightmare. It made me shiver. Then Error collapsed. I stood there in fear. I looked up to find myself with Nightmare. But it wasn't Nightmare. It was dream. He was going to stab me as well but then A door flew infront of us. I saw Blue, Killer, and Nightmare. I started to cry. I wanted Error to be alright. I also wanted to get out. I went to Error when ,what used to be Dream, went to confront my friends. I held him close to my soul. His breathing was slowing down but not stopping. I felt big gulps (I dunno) of tears fall down my face and on to Errors face. Then Blue came running to me, hugging me.
"Ink!!!" Blue screamed. I didn't respond I just looked at Error still crying. Blue saw and covered his mouth. I looked up to him and saw that he was crying as well. He hugged me and I hugged back. His breathing was slowing down real fast. "NIGHTMARE" Screamed Blue with tears in his eyes. Nightmare turned around and saw the condition Error was in. He put Dream down and ran over to us, Killer behind him. Killer grabbed his phone and called the hospital and police. Nightmare then held Error in a bridal way. This got me worried, and a little jealous and mad. We all went outside and saw three police cars and a hospital car. We all went inside the hospital car. I started to cry when I saw Error laying there looking like he was already dead. Blue and Killer comforted me. Nightmare sat there looking at Cross and Error. (Cross woke up. I just too lazy to put in so eh)
~Time skip by me crying while writing this~
We arrived at the hospital. The doctors rushed Error in. They also said that they are going to take Cross for some tests.
(Play the song!!!!)
I passed Errors room. I tried to get in but the doctors told me not to. I stood at the glass. I felt tears come down my eyes. I wanted to feel the embrace of his arms. I wanted to feel safe, and loved. Now, all I felt was fear and sadness.
What if he died? What if he doesn't remember me? I then saw him move. But when i blinked he was still the same. Unmoving, helpless, lifeless. I needed him. I needed him to promise me. To promise to love me. I needed to be told that he loved me and no one else. Not just anyone, I needed him to tell me that he loves me and no one else.
Then I heard a high-pitched beep. I looked behind me and saw several doctors and nurses rushing towards me. They all went into the same room. Error's room. I looked inside and saw the monitor. It showed that errors heart rate has been speeding up (or slowing down. Im not a doctor) I started to cry. I tried to get in but something pulled me away. It didn't matter. I needed to get his fucking room right now. Then doctors rolled errors bed to somewhere else. I tried running after them but someone pulled me back. Someone pulled me away from my love. I looked behind me and saw Blue, Killer and Nightmare trying to calm me down.
I felt Blue hug me. I then cried into his shoulder and hugging him back. I felt him rubbing my back. I then calmed down but still crying.
"Shhhhh" He said while rubbing more soothing circles on my back.
"W-w-w-w-what if he dies?" I said while crying. I took deep breathes. I then felt wetness fall on my head. It wasn't mine because I don't have eyes on my head. I looked up and saw Blue crying. This can't be. He is always happy and always looks to the positive side of everything .
"Dont say that!" Said blue. Behind all of those tears I saw the person who loved and cared for Error. And not the friend way. I didn't care anymore. I cried into his shirt once again soaking it.
"Ink Splotch?" Said someone. I looked behind me and saw a lady with a clipboard. She looked like a nurse.
"Yes?" I said while wiping my eye sockets.
" Hello, please come with me. " She said and lead me down the hall. We then arrived at a room. It had glass walls but they were covered with a curtain.
"Come in" She said while holding the door open. I went inside and saw Error. I was horrified but happy to see him still alive. I hope.
"Mr.Error is still alive but his soul is just barely holding it together." She said. I felt tears come down my face. I quickly went to Errors side and held his hand.
" Will he be ok? " I said. The lady nodded. She the left the room leaving the clipboard on the table. I then cried into errors shirt. It already felt like he already died.
"Are you alive ruru?" I said hoping he would respond, " Im not mad at you. " I said holding his cold hand tightly, "Please, stay alive I love you" I said. Then out of a sudden another high-pitched noise came. Then doctors were rushing in the room. They took out a machine.
"CLEAR!!" Said the doctor holding the handles ( Like I said I no doctor) Then something made Errors body jump. He didn't look better though.
"CLEAR!!!" Screamed the main doctor again . And then Errors body.....
I fricking cried so much. Poor ink. Poor Error. And kills and nighty still mad. So sad. And dream has another person inside of him. So sad. (1002 words)

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