Chp 34: Afterdeath Fluff

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I am out of school yay!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3rd pov~
Geno woke up to the sound of his bitch ass alarm ringing throughout his room. Geno was then sick of his stupid alarm disrupting his sleep. And what was the most reasonable way to stop a son of a bitch alarm? Well, it was throwing it across the room making it shatter into a million pieces like a hammer shattering a fragile piece of glass. Geno then sleepily sat up in his bed realizing what he had done.
"Ughh" was all he could say for he was way too tired to put up the shit that was going on that day.
What was going on that day? Why, he was going to school. He didn't want to go to school but schools school. The second hell there is in this damm world.
He got up slowly not wanting to get up from his bed. He then got dressed in his normal clothing. He went downstairs and sat on the couch with his tired ass. He waited for his brothers to come or at least for his mother to finish cooking the breakfast. After about 5 minutes of waiting and talking with his mother Fresh came tumbling down the stairs in his bright neon clothes.
"Yo yo, wassup brosphes?" said fresh in his normal way of talking. Geno simply gave a small wave to fresh.
"Hi bro" said Geno tiredly.
"Hello Fresh" said CQ behind the kitchen counter.
"Whats poppin' mom?" said Fresh to CQ.
" Eggs br0" Said the mother of Fresh in Freshes way of talking.
"Thats wiggity awesome!" Fresh said and pointed finger guns to CQ . Fresh sat down next to Geno and they both watched TV waiting for Error. Well, Geno was waiting for he did not know that Error was busy with "stuff" somewhere else.
Once the food was done the two brothers and mother ate without the other brother. Geno grew curious about where his brother was.
After finishing their food Fresh and Geno sayed goodbye, grabbed their stuff, and went to school. Fresh went with hus friends which left Geno walking to school all alone. He wondered where Error was. Then he had an idea about Ink. Oh... Geno then grinned slyly thinking about what Error and Ink were doing. He then had a sudden thought about Reaper touching him.... He felt his face heat up while he imagined Reaper saying sweet things in his non-existent ears. The thought of Reaper touching hum made him blush and drool slightly. Then Geno was rudely interrupted by the person who he was just thinking about. The devil himself everyone, Reaper!!!!
"Wassup Gen~" Said reaper in his normal seductive tone. Geno snapped out of his trance and looked around to see where he was. To his suprise he was in Reapers arms clinging onto his chest.
"W-what?" Geno asked still confused. Reaper sighed and repeted what he said before.
"Wassup Gen~" Reaper said once more. Geno then gave him a face that expressed 'Bitch-you-know-what-i-mean' look.
"Hahaha, geez Geno you look so cute when you give me that look" said Reaper making the smaller blush a bright red.
"Shut up" grumbled Geno. Then i sudden cold breeze came making Geno cold and cling and snuggle into reapers warm robe. 'Where the fuck did that breeze come from its like 100° outside' said geno in his head. 'Well its because I want to have a breeze' said another voice in his head. 'byyeee' said the other voice and Geno no longer heard that voice but all he could think of was 'wtf'
"Awwww~~" Inturupted Geno in his thoughts once again. Geno looked up and saw Reaper looking down at him with a smug smile on his face.
"shut up baka" said Geno and snuggled closer to Reaper searching for warmth. Then Geno felt a small peck on the top of his skull signaling that Reaper just kissed his skull. Geno felt his face heat up with a dark and warm blush surely warming Geno.
"Anything for you sweetie~~" Reaper said once again in his sexy voice to Geno only making Geno blush more. Geno then hid his face into Reapers cloak hoping to hide his blush and face. They then walked all the way to school like that.
Yay another update. Slow updates guys just plz dont get mad.
song:Marry You by Bruno Mars
Nightcore (By anime Twins)
(744 words)

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