Chp 24: Break up 💔 (part 2)

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~Error pov~
I woke up to Inky crying. I pet his head and his head shot up looking at me with his tear-stained face. I asked what's wrong but he hugged me. He kissed me every where. (Don't take it the wrong way like I just did 😉)

We were happy

But he was crying. Did I make him feel like this?
~Time skip 2 months~

I felt like I did nothing for my Inky except for hurting him. He did everything for me. He made me happy, caring, he helped me with my problems, he became my friend, he was my everything. All I did was hurt him. He had to stop me. I don't think I deserve him.
"Ink why won't you go to school", I said a bit mad but sad. He hasn't been in school for 2 months just because of me. (The child has actually been out of school for 4 months) he was so nice, "Nah" he said resting his head on my legs,"I don't want to" he said closing his eyes.

"Just go" I said a bit irritated. He looked up at me with a confused look.
"Why?" He said, it might be me but I think I heard a tone of hurt in his voice.
"Just go" I said "Now" I said. He looked at me hurt and sad.
"I don't deserve you" I said
"I don't need your pity Ink" I said my voice glitching
"LEAVE" I yelled. I looked at my Inky realizing what I had just done. Tears covering his eyes he walked towards the door.
"O-o-ok E-Error" he said shaking, I saw his arm go up and wipe his eyes "A-a-a-anything for you" he said hurt and sadness dripping from his words "I-I h-h-hope you get b-b-b-better" he said and ran out of the room sounds of sobs echoing. I reached out for him but I was late. (Well duh) I reached out my hand as if he was still there. I dropped my hand and began to cry.

I lost him

My only love. My only happiness.

Ahah ahaha ha ha


(375 words"

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