warning: This is a side story to another story of mine! please go read them before reading this story! Go read "The Story of Casey".
Casey had grown to be very content with her life over the months in Willow Wood but one thing still bothered her...
After some discussion the two girls snuck the group to their home. They decided to trust and help them. They also introduced them to their friend Alice.
The orange haired girl was named Charlie. She had soft orange hair with pink tips that was tied into a long pony tail. She had Ruby red eyes and was very tall.
The blue haired girl was named Sam. She had light sky blue hair that was straight and went down to her knees. She had seagreen eyes and was the tallest of the three.
Alice had blonde, wavy hair that went down to her knees. She had pastel pink eyes and wore bunny ears. She was the shortest of the three.
The three girls had informed them that the only way they could find where the twin's sister is, is from the royal family. The royal family was the only ones that are permitted to know where bandit guilds in the area lay.
"We're in luck. There's a ball tommorow night! We can go and try to talk the princess into spilling the info!" Alice suggested.
"Alice! Are you insane? There's absolutely no way they'll let us anywhere near the princess!" Charlie said angered.
"Girls calm down... The princess won't even be there tommorow. She's off visiting another kingdom," Sam explained calmly.
"How do you know that? Did they announce it?" Asked Alice.
"No, I was in town square and the royal family was there, I overheard them say she wouldn't be there," Sam explained.
"Will the prince be there!?" Charlie asked in desperation. She had a slight crush on him.
"I'm sure of it."
"What does the princess even look like?" Rose asked.
Alice pulled out a picture of her. "Isn't she so, so pretty!?"
The group gathered to see the princess.
"Wow, she's hot!" Atix said. Kadence elbowed him for the comment.
The princess was shorter. She had dark skin, dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She wore an elegant yellow gown.
"Hm. What if we dressed up to look like her? We could pretend to be her and sneak up to the castle and get the plans!" Lizzie thought.
"Are you crazy?!" Ash exclaimed.
"It could work...." Sam said.
"But we'd need someone who looked somewhat like her," Lizzie thought.
Everyone slowly turned their heads torwards Ash.
"Yes you! You look exactly like her!" Casey exclaimed.
"Yeah! We'd just have to dye your hair and do some slight changes," Sam said.
"My hair?... No. No way. What if I get caught. I could be thrown in jail! Or executed!"
"Ash, I know it's a lot to ask... But I need to find her... Please..." Casey begged.
".... Okay..." Ash agreed.
"Yes!" Thank you Ash!" Casey hugged her tight. Chicken barked happily.
"We'll have to all dress up though. Rose and I will do hair and outfits," Charlie explained.
After deciding on a plan they all went to sleep. The next morning they imediately started getting to work. Charlie worked on Ash's hair, Rose worked on a boy's suits and the girls' dresses.
"Ash stop moving!" Charlie yelled, obviously frustrated.
"I'm sorry! I've never done anything like this to my hair. I've never changed it so drastically. It's just scary. Are you sure it'll come out after a few washes?"
"For the hundredth time, yes. It will come out! Now stop moving!"
"Sorry, she gets easily frustrated," Sam explained.
"I can tell..." Ash agreed.
After hours of working they were ready for the ball.
"And now, I introduce, the royal princess, Ash," Alice said as a que for Ash to appear. She stepped out from behind a curtain. Ash's hair was now dark brown and curly. She didn't have her glasses on. She was wearing a yellow two piece dress like the princess in the picture.
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"Wow Ash you look so pretty!" Casey exclaimed.
"Thanks.." she looked in the mirror for the first time. "Wow... I look so... Different." She spotted something in her hair. "Aww you left a streak of purple!"
"Yeah.. I thought it would make you feel more comfortable with your new hair," Charlie explained.
"Aw, see Charlie, you can be sweet!" Sam said hugging Charlie.
"Ugh," she replied, rolling her eyes.
Lizzie's hair had been straightened. She wore a black sleeveless dress. Half of Casey's hair was in a bun, while the other half was down. She wore a pink dress that went just above her knees. Roses hair was curled and she wore a sleeveless red dress.
The girls met back with the guys. They were all in black tuxedos.
"You guys look so good!" Rose said.
The group looked out the window to see everyone in the town in the streets walking torwards the castle. They walked out to join them. Their plan was in motion.