Chapter 5 😬

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Chris P.O.V. 
I don't wanna say anything about her text cause I can't control Angel we aren't together so ig I'll just go out tonight so she can go have fun with this guy I don't wanna hold her back maybe she's better off with him anyway... Idk man this shit hurts though.
Angel P.O.V.
I just wanna know why he had my phone I wasn't mad I don't have anything to hide I was just curious
Chris❤️: oh your alarm went off so I just cut it off
Me: oh I didn't even know I had an alarm set that's weird.. I'm sorry did it wake you up?
Chris ❤️: oh no it's cool I was up before it went off...
Me: oh so did you eat?
Chris ❤️: no not yet I was actually just about to.....
Me: okay well I hope you like it I didn't know if you liked chocolate chip waffles or just regular waffles but I got both just incase
Chris ❤️: aw that's really sweet you didn't have to do that I would've been fine with either but I do like chocolate chip I don't tend to get it as much though cause it's not the same since I was younger.
Me: omg ikr I swear the put the chocolate chips in the waffle not on top when I was younger finally someone that understands my pain lol
Chris ❤️: lol I thought I was the only one that felt that way... do you have anything planned for tonight?
Me: no why did you wanna do something?
Chris❤️: actually I was gonna go to the studio with my bro and work on some music..
Me: oh well ig I'll just be at home then
Chris❤️: I mean you can come if you want to
Me: I ummmm actually would rather stay home I'm not really in the mood for the studio today plus I wouldn't wanna intrude on your time...
I wanted to go but I feel like if he wanted me to go he would've said something while we was saying it Idk my head be getting in the way sometimes
Chris❤️: oh okay well I guess I'll see you when I get back thanks for the food I'm gonna go eat now ( smiles nervously and chuckles and walks out)
I go over to check my phone and I seen a text from Clarence that ready " hey baby girl... wanna go out tonight?" Well since I'm not going out with Chris I guess I could go out with him instead of being alone
Me: yeah sure what time.. and what are we doing?
Clarence 😍: I'll be there at 6:30 and dont worry about all that just bring your sexy ass 😉.
I smiled to myself I look at the clock and it's 5:30 omg I only got an hour!!! I get dressed (outfit at the top) and by the time I finished the last touch on my hair I got a text from Clarence
Clarence 😍: I'm here baby girl.. open the door
I hurry and get to the door before Chris gets there
Chris ❤️: who is that at the door... wait where are you going?
Me: a friend and oh I'm just going out my friend asked me to hang out and since you were going to the studio I figured I should just go instead of being here alone...
Chris ❤️: oh well um you look nice have fun
Me: thanks I will bye
I smile then open the door and Clarence was standing right at the door I quickly closed the door so Chris wouldn't see him
Clarence😍: angel you look absolutely breath taking.... I'm so glad you left your drinks this morning
Me: lol thank you
We walk to the car and he opens my door for me what a gentleman 😊 we are riding around and I'm not familiar with where we are at all
Me: Clarence where are we going?
Clarence😍: don't worry about it baby girl I promise it's nothing bad but imma need you to put this blindfold on for me..
Me: WHAT?! whyyyy
Clarence 😍: pleaseeee I was this to be special and we are getting close
Me: fineee
I put the blindfold on and about after 10 mins I guess the car stopped
Me: Are we here? Can I take the blindfold off now?
Clarence😍: noooo you can not and yes we are here just stay put I'll come around to get you
I wait for him to get me and he then leads me on this path and then he opens a door then another door then we stop
Clarence😍: are you ready
Me: ready as I'll ever be
He pulls off my blindfold and I see a beautiful candle lit table on one side of the room then with a big flat screen tv in the middle and bed on the other side and behind the tv is a full view of the ocean it was so beautiful the moon was hitting it just right.
Me: omg Clarence this is beautiful... you did all this for me? We don't even go out and you really put something this nice together for me
Clarence 😍: yeah I did all this for you.. you don't need to be my girl for me to want to treat you right.. plus I remember you saying you were a little upset this morning so I was hoping I could make your day a little bit better so did I do it or did I over do it
Me: what no you didn't over do it this is perfect thank you so much!
I give him a hug and look into his eyes as he looks back into mine he was so nice and sweet and genuine and caring... I normally can't even look people in the eyes I couldn't even look Chris in the eyes but it was something about Clarence I couldn't pull my eyes away from his
Clarence😍: so are you ready to enjoy your night and get that stress off your mind beautiful?
Me: definitely 😊
We sat down at the table and then about 5 mins later a man knocked on our door Clarence told him to come in and a kart came in smelling like straight heaven 😭 he put our plates on the table and it was my favorite dish crab legs 🤤🤤🤤🤤 a side of fries and Mac and cheese Lordy I'm ready become and angel forreal because I felt like I was really in heaven.
Me: omg this is all my favorite foods how did you know!
Clarence 😍: this is all my favorite food but I took a wild guess in thinking you liked it too I'm glad I did. I had a backup plan if you didn't like it though I was just gonna bring in some chicken tenders and fries 😂 can go wrong with a classic
Me: lol aww Clarence honestly this is the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me..
we finished our food and went to go sit on the bed and then he told me to close my eyes again
Me: omg what now more surprises!
Clarence 😍: lol it's not big but yes still a surprise kinda.. but you can open your eyes now
I open my eyes to see a row of movies in front of me TWILIGHT EVERY SINGLE OF THEM!!!
Clarence😍: I got in touch with your best friend ocean she told me you love these movies and she also told me you loved these...
He pulled behind him a plate of s'mores
Me: omg! I haven't had these since I was like 15!
Clarence 😍: lol yeah she told me you were talking about them non stop before and after you guys moved but you guys never had the time to make them soooo I got some made for you they were made the right way too not from the microwave.
Me: you really made my day Clarence thank you so much but there's no way we can finish all these movies by today these take literally a whole day.
Clarence 😍: lol well I thought about that and (he pulls out a big box) I was thinking maybe we could chill here for the night watch all the movies and whatever we don't finish tonight we finish tomorrow then I take you home?
I looked through the box and saw pink draws and bras a onesie from them and a whole outfit with shoes!!
Me: omg Clarence you didn't have to do all of this! Really I'm not that special why are you treating me so nicely..
Clarence 😍: your a beautiful girl who seems like she just needs a little bit of happiness in her life and I have no problem spending my money on you cause I know you wouldn't take it for granted if anything you'd tell me send it back lol I just wanted to treat you to a day that's been way overdue... so what do you say are you staying the night?
Me: yes I'll stay the night!
I give him a big hug and then he looked at me and then my lips and he leaned in and kissed me I felt sparks I had officially falling head over hills for this boy I've never seen anybody treat me the way he has and I feel so bad at the same time cause as we pulled apart from our kiss I felt like I was hurting Chris.. but we aren't together so why do I feel so guilty.. I have to text him and say I'm not coming home at least while Clarence puts the movie in I text Chris
Me: hey um I'm not coming home tonight I'm gonna spend the night at my friends.. don't wait up! I'll see you tomorrow bye.
Me and Clarence watch the first three and decided to leave the last two for tomorrow we are snuggled up enjoying the movie quoting stuff and joking but at the end of the last movie I was knocked out in the embrace if Clarence arms ❤️...

Well two in one day how crazy is that well anyway I hope you guys liked it  bye

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