Chapter 4💕

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Angel's P.O.V
I woke up to warmth wrapped around me I open my eyes too see Chris holding me and sleeping peacefully he looked so cute and innocent I don't wanna admit it but I'm starting to fall for Chris and I don't want to cause part of me is still scared to think what he told me is a lie and he just wants to put me on his list.... when I said yes to Chris staying it was part of me being scared to be by myself and the other side was me just wanting him around cause I'm falling for him and I wanna make sure that's okay... to let off some steam I decided I'd go for a drive to get some food for us and just listen to some music and vibe out and get my head in the right space... I threw on some quick clothes ( picture above) and hopped in the car I decided to go to Waffle House to get food but I went to one 30 mins away from the house just to get some time to myself and also let Chris sleep a little longer. I was driving just thinking about everything and then my phone rang.. Dad💛 I pick up and put on a good vibe I couldn't let my dad know I was upset especially about love life situations I haven't been in a relationship since I left Richmond my last relationship was bad and I was being controlled but I never knew true love so I stayed through all of the controlling moments and tried to focus on the good times we had it took me a long time leave but when I finally left I was actually happy but I still was lowkey letting him control me cause I didn't wanna hurt him like he hurt me... but when I moved to LA with ocean I dropped him completely and I haven't looked back since I haven't even thought about anybody that way that's why I'm so scared that I'm falling for Chris. Anyways back to my dad
On the phone:
Dad💛: hey big girl!
Me: hey dad! I miss you so much!
Dad💛: I miss you too! How are you?
Me: oh me I'm fine... how are you
Dad💛: Angel Leigh Goodman.. you know I see through you like glass right...
Me: what are you talking about?
Dad💛: "oh me I'm fine" you literally say that everytime something is wrong with you.
Me: I do not!
Dad💛: yes you do... so what's the problem?
Me: I think I'm falling for someone dad and it's the last person I thought I would ever fall for...
Dad💛: who is it?
Me: Chris brown...
Dad💛: oh.... I thought after what he did to your sister you were done with him.. what is making you feel this way.. are you scared because of you last relationship with that boy?
Me: I was done with him but we've been hanging out lately and he brought up the situation with my sister before I even could he apologize and told me what I think might be the truth but I don't know for sure I feel like he might be using me... but he's been so sweet and it's the little stuff he does that makes me fall harder each day.. he does stuff that the boy in my last relationship never did... ocean left for two weeks with her boyfriend so he offered to stay at my place with me and I let him and NO WE DID NOT HAVE SEX but I let him stay to try and figure out why he's really being so sweet to me... help me dad I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place rn...
(When I finished that I had pulled into Waffle House and I had started to tear up)
Dad💛: oh big girl I know this is scary and I know it may seem like your really at a lost but sweetheart all you can do is wait it out like you said he's gonna be there for two weeks see what he's really here for you or just a piece of you.. Ik you'll figure it out but at the end of the day your gonna find the one for you but the part that sucks about that it you have to wait you know I didn't find my wife till I was 41 I hope and pray you find yours earlier which I'm sure you will cause your a beautiful girl but don't stress this too much big girl just have fun enjoy being an adult before you get too old like you dad your 26 baby you have better things to worry about then relationships okay?
Me: you're right thanks dad you always know what to say. I love you dad I'm ready go get some food I'll talk to you later
Dad💛: I love you too big girl bye.
I walk into Waffle House order me and Chris the all star meal and as I'm walking out I hear and man call out to me
Unknown: excuse me ma'am
I didn't feel like messing with nobody so I tried to keep walking but then my flop came off my foot
I turned around and saw this fine ass man

I walk into Waffle House order me and Chris the all star meal and as I'm walking out I hear and man call out to me Unknown: excuse me ma'am I didn't feel like messing with nobody so I tried to keep walking but then my flop came off my foot Me: HEY...

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Unknown: I'm so sorry I was just trying to bring you your drinks you left them on the counter.
Me: oh I'm so sorry I was having a rough morning I thought you were just trying to bother me.. I shouldn't let my situation make me be meaner towards people.
Unknown: I totally get it I get like that sometimes too but your hands seem a bit full why don't you let me take your drinks to the car
Me: thanks umm what's your name?
Unknown: Clarence... what about you baby girl😏?
Me: Angel 😊
Clarence 😍: I would say beautiful name for a beautiful girl but what's so clique so let's just say your name flatters you.
Me: lol aw thanks
Clarence 😍: so angel do you have anybody special in your life?
(We get to my car and he puts the drinks in and I put the food away and he comes over to me.)
Me: you mean like a boyfriend?
Clarence 😍: yeah
Me: no I haven't been in a relationship for a very long time just haven't found the right one yet ig ( why tf did I just tell him that)
Clarence 😍: I feel you on that but since you don't have a boyfriend maybe you wouldn't mind if I get your number and possibly take you out some time.
Me: 😊 sure
I give him my number and we part ways I couldn't stop thinking about how fine he was and how smooth he was with his words. I finally get to the house and Chris was still sleep so I just ate my food and went back to the room to take a shower. I left my phone on the dresser so I wouldn't get tempted to play music
Chris P.O.V.
I woke up to see angel wasn't beside me but I heard the shower running and figured she was in there so I checked my phone on the dresser and saw it was 12:00 I then saw a note "hey Chris I left earlier to get us breakfast from Waffle House I would've woke you up to eat but you were looking so peaceful I left you alone food is in the fridge." I smiled and then something buzzed I looked down and saw a phone light up but it wasn't mine it was angel's I don't know why but I read it after what I saw I wish I didn't...
Clarence 😍: hey baby girl... wanna go out tonight?
Who tf is Clarence and why is he calling her baby girl and why is he asking her to go out with him Ik angel isn't my girl but it still hurts cause I want her to be and too know someone could take my spot hurts I put her phone down cause I hear angel's voice
Angel💕: Chris why do you have my phone?

Lord have mercy what's about to happen? Happy Easter/ April fools day ❤️


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