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     Arizona POV
    I had made it onto I-70 East and was heading towards Denver. I wasn't really sure where I was going, but I didn't care right now. The sun was burning bright in the midday sky, and I saw the exit sign for Evergreen. At least I had a reference for where I was, I knew that Evergreen wasn't too far from Denver, so I continued sitting in the back of the Uber that was driving me. I had left the rental car at the hospital in Vail that Callie was at. I mean, she needed someway to get herself somewhere.
I was leaving because I couldn't handle all of this right now. I needed to get away from her, because she had hurt herself because of her own mistakes. She needed some time. And so did I. I was overwhelmed with everything that had happened in the past 24 hours, and just wanted to get away from it, just shut it out. So I didn't know where in Denver the taxi driver was taking me but I told them to basically just drive there, unsure of what lay ahead.


"Ma'am, may I ask where exactly you would like me to drop you off?" the Uber driver asked, pulling me from my thoughts. We were near a pretty central location of the large city of Denver. I had absolutely no idea where we were. Wow me, this driver probably thinks I'm neurotic.
"Is there a movie theater nearby?" I asked. I needed something to take my mind off of the pain. I felt hurt, angry, sad, and overwhelmed all at the same time. Maybe the movie would help me stop thinking about it.
"You've got it," the driver said as she took a left turn on a busy street.
In a matter of minutes, we pulled up to a large AMC theater. I fumbled through my wallet, finding some cash for the driver, thanked her, and opened the door, stepping foot on the asphalt. There was some ice and snow on the parking lot, but I was able to make my way over to the front entrance. Winter didn't seem to be too bad in Colorado. I hadn't injured myself slipping on ice. Yet.
    As I walked inside, the smell of popcorn and the really good fake butter wafted towards me. I inhaled the smell, which made me quite hungry and I realized I hadn't eaten since dinner last night. The previous nights events suddenly flooded back into my mind, but I forced myself to push them out. I needed to stop thinking about that right now, and I needed to go see a movie.
I got some popcorn after getting my tickets for a movie. I didn't even have previous knowledge of the movie, but I didn't really care. As I entered the theater, the surround sound entranced me and I continued forward, finding a seat towards the back, but to where I could still see clearly. The movie previews were rolling through, and I noisily chewed on my popcorn. Nobody was sitting over in my row or in the surrounding rows, so I could have my own little ordeal back here. It was nice.
Eventually, the lights dimmed and the movie started. It was actually a pretty good movie, you know, until the end.
After an hour and a half, the movie was nearing its end. When I had bought the tickets, I hadn't realized that this movie had a sad ending, which was a mistake. I was not prepared for this, especially at this time.
"But I love you!" she said.
"I know, but how are we supposed to keep going?" he replied as he packed his things.
"I have to do this honey. You stay, and take care of the kids. I'll be fine. You'll be fine."
"Daddy!" the little daughter ran up from the downstairs and ran into her fathers waiting arms. The little girl was upset, and the two stood there as the wife broke down into tears. They stood in each other's embrace for a moment or two.
Hot tears glistened in my eyes, and I tried hard to not let them fall. I usually never cried during movies, but today I felt extra emotional, based on the circumstances I was in. Nobody else seemed to be crying, and I knew nobody could really see me, so I let them fall.
The movie made me think of Callie was the problem. I felt like we were just like the people in the movie. The plot and everything basically resembled our relationship. So much for taking my mind off of my problems.
I grabbed my napkin from the popcorn sitting in the drink holder and blew my nose, earning a few shushes and glares from the people a few rows in front of me. Well I thought people couldn't see me. Oops. Embarrassing myself once again.
The movie came to a close and the lights turned on. I wiped the the remaining tears away under my eyes before I walked out of the theater, not really sure where to go next.

"Shh, do you think she can hear us?"
"I don't know. Shut up, she probably can."
Shuffling. Lots of shuffling. Footsteps.
"Hey Jag, she's stirring. Quick, get into position," a male voice said.
I opened my eyes to bright lights above me. I tried to sit up, but found it difficult to move.
Then I realized it was hard to move my jaw. There was a rope inside of my mouth. making it impossible for me to talk, almost to swallow. I was tied to a bed. I couldn't move my head, my arms, my legs, anything.
Then suddenly, a male figure stood over me. He was clearly unkempt, his hair sticking out in odd places, his face not cleanly shaven. A rotten odor emitted from him, making me gag. Well, "gag". I couldn't really gag with a rope practically at the back of my throat.
"Yeah Jag, what a beauty. Guess what honey? Jag and I have a surprise for you," the man said as another guy with a black mask came up to me with a knife in his hand.
    My breath hitched and I tried to scream. I strained against the ropes holding down my extremities and tried to force them to loosen. They wouldn't budge though, and panic coursed through my veins as the man with the mask advanced, bringing the knife close to my throat. I whimpered loudly as the knife was just centimeters from my skin. The man without the mask had a devilish grin spreading across his face as I felt the knife draw blood. Then I blacked out.

    I woke up in a cold sweat. My breathing was basically hyperventilation and my heart raced. I tried to slow my breathing down, mentally reminding myself it was just a nightmare, it wasn't real. I just needed to calm down. I was in a hotel room, and nobody else was in here with me. I am safe here.
    I managed to calm myself down, but I wasn't able to fall back asleep, worried my mind would drift back into the nightmare. I knew though that I needed to go back to sleep though, it was 2:45 AM and I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go tomorrow or what I was supposed to do.  It was a sucky feeling, you know, not really knowing where to go or what to do, because it might screw everything up, and I would fall into the pit of "I can't do my life".
    I just needed to fall asleep. Tomorrow is a new day.

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