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    Callie POV
The light was still shining into the windows of my house. Whoever it was hadn't left, and was looking for any possible way to get in. I decided against calling 911 though, whoever this was seemed to be looking for a person, or something. It didn't seem like they were attempting to full on break into the house. They were too gentle in their mannerisms.
I decided to investigate. Slowly, I made my way down the stairs, and saw the person had set the flashlight down, as it wasn't moving. I crept over to the sliding glass door, being careful to not stand in the light's way. The person seemed to be looking for an object. Then I realized whoever it was must have been looking for a key.
The figure searching around outside looked oddly familiar though. They didn't have a mask on or any sort of hood. All I could see was thin hair pulled up into a high ponytail. They were wearing black clothes but it looked like they weren't too interested in remaining anonymous.
I moved out into the view of the flashlight and the person quickly noticed me and stood up from the bent position they were in. I recognized them immediately once the light hit their face.
"Penny?!" I half spoke half yelled.
I unlocked the sliding glass door and opened it quickly. Still in my pajamas, the cold air from outside hit my skin, pricking it like needles. Penny's face was stunned when our eyes locked.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I snapped.
She sighed and shrugged. "I...I don't know. I was just going...I'm sorry," she said, barely above a whisper, and turned to walk away.
"Wait! No don't go, I want an explanation. I thought you were a burglar! What were you trying to do?" I said while raising an eyebrow.
Penny turned back around and let out a heavy breath. "Something happened, and I was trying to find a way into your house, I know what you're thinking, I wanted revenge or something for you breaking up with me, but that's not it. I promise that's not it. Something happened though and I just need...I need to tell someone. You're the only person I could think of to tell, you know, that I'm at least kind of close with," she stopped talking, out of breath.
"Well how come you didn't just knock? You scared the crap out of me!" I didn't understand.
"I thought you would be mad at me and just shut me out if I came to your door,"
"So you think I'm not mad when you basically were being a creep, sleuthing around my house? And that's not creepy at all? You know,"
"Callie just listen for a minute!" she exclaimed. I shut up.
For a second, we stood there, just standing, before I realized I was being rude by not letting her come inside.
    "Ahem–how about we talk in here?" I said as I gestured towards the living room. She nodded in approval and I went back in as she followed, the warmth of the room engulfing me.
    Penny took a seat on the couch while I sat in the opposite side of her in the armchair. She cleared her throat and began talking.
    "So last night, was...let's just say it was...not good.  It was bad," she said, as if trying to give me clues to as what happened.
   "Why was it bad?" I asked genuinely. Truly, I was pissed she came here in the middle of the night, actually very early morning, and basically tried to break in. I'm not a dummy, I knew she was looking for the house key. Clever me had kept it inside since the trip in the event anything out of sorts happened.
    "Well, let me give you some background first, because otherwise this won't make sense. After you and I and..." she paused before continuing " in that huge argument or fight or whatever, I left Meredith's house and went home. A week later I was in a bar and hooked up with a really nice woman. Well...she was nice, until last night," she said, clearly becoming uncomfortable, as she started fidgeting with the loose thread on her pants. "I had to work late last night, and when I got home, I found her waiting for me, angry. She was so angry at me. I didn't know why but the look on her face was pure...hatred almost. She asked me why I was back so late, and I explained it was because of work. She went off though, saying it was always because of work, like she didn't believe me, and we started arguing. It got intense and she forced me out of her apartment, she pulled her gun out and said she would kill me if I didn't get out. She really thought I had cheated...even though I wasn' I had no idea what to do," she finished with tears glistening in her eyes.
I breathed out a sigh of relief. At least this woman hadn't physically hurt Penny. But still, this was a problem.
"Why didn't you call the police? That's wrong what she did. She could get in a lot of trouble for that," I explained to Penny, trying to understand why she came here.
"I...," she started but her lip quivered like she was about to cry. I didn't want to push it, so I moved closer to her, wrapping my arm around her.
"Shh, hey don't cry. It's okay," I reassured her. A few tears rolled down her cheeks and she quickly wiped them away before taking a deep breath.
   "I don't know, I just didn't know where to go and now you're probably pissed at me, I'm so sorry Callie," she said before I cut her off.
    "No. I'm not pissed at you Penny. I'm sorry about how I reacted before, I had no idea that happened, I should have listened to you."
    She breathed a sigh of relief and stopped picking at the threads on her pants. " would it be alright if I stayed here for the night? I have no place to go," she asked pathetically.
    I patted her on the back. "Sure. The guest bedroom is down the hall and to the left," I said, pointing down the hall.
    She smiled, saying "Thanks," and then started to turn to walk away.
    "If you need anything, I'll be upstairs in the bedroom on the right," I told her. She nodded and proceeded to walk down the hall. I heard the door close to the bedroom, so I headed upstairs. The bedside clock said 2:15 AM, and I sighed, realizing I still had plenty of time to sleep. I wasn't going to work tomorrow but I needed to get up to make sure Penny was okay. I also had a therapists meeting because of what happened in Colorado.
    I collapsed on top of my bed and stared at the ceiling fan. There was no way I was going to sleep now, too many things were happening. The question was why. Why would all this happen at the same time? First, I cheated on Arizona, then I tried to kill myself, then I was in the hospital, now I have no idea where she is and Penny's showing up at my house trying to break in because her girlfriend held her at gunpoint.
    And even before all of this, with the one night in the on-call room. Arizona had bruised me so bad that I had to wear a turtleneck for a week or two.  I re-winded my mind all the way back to when we first got back together. She had missed me. Really missed me. And then I basically betrayed her, now.
I sighed, not having enough energy to cry about it, and fell into a slumber.

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