Surprise Sunrise

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The night before seemed to stick in my head. The thought would just not go away...

I wiped the table below me with grace. The cafe was busier then ever today, even though it was late afternoon. People flooding in by the minute, sitting down with friends.

On the corner of my eye I saw someone wave for my attention.

I turned around...

And froze.

It was a table full of girls..

My best friends.

I nearly threw the cleaning spray bottles and dashed over to the table and was thrown into a hug that barely left me standing.

They were all screaming with joy. I was almost in tears.

"Girl you haven't changed", one said.

"As fabulous as ever" said another.

I smiled at all of them.

Just then, my friends started giggling. I hadn't the fondest idea why.

I looked at all of them with the most confused look I could come up with.

I'm good.

"Love.." One stared.

"How ya been?"

Then everything went black. Someone put their hands covering my eyes.

"Guess whoooooo!" Said the voice.

Oh. My. God.

I yanked the hands off my face and turned around.


The cheeky blonde-hat haired- blue eyes boy laughed.

I felt the corner of my mouth move upwards into a smile.

I stopped myself.

What the HELL is he doing here?!

"Surprise!" He said throwing his arms around me.

I stood there. Stiff.

I don't really want to see him.

He was pretty terrible to me in the young years.

But I try not to look back on that stuff.

"What are you doing here?" I said shoving him off me as kind as I could without throwing him to the ground.

"I came to see you" he smiled.

I didn't smile back.

I didn't know what to think at the moment. I guess my friends saw my troubles moment and asked him to go get some straws, which I hadn't re stocked yet... They knew that.

"Oh my gosh thank you!" I sighed in relief.

The all laughed.

"We saw your trouble bro" one smiled. I smiled back.

He came back over and I turned to go back behind the counter but he cut me off.

"Hey, dinner tonight?" He asked casually.

Hmm.. Dinner.. DINNER. Oh my god! I have dinner with Ryan tonight that I accidentally committed to. I totally forgot!!!

"DINNER!" I practically screamed.

He stood there looking confused.

Without another word I dashed towards the door.

"Tracy cover me!!" I yelled to my partner behind the counter.

"You got it Aurora!" She hollered back as I sprinted through the doors raising my hand in a wave.

I sprinted to the apartment as fast as I could from there.

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