Crossing Paths

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The door slammed and he started the car.
Waiting for the windows to un-fog he looked over at me.

"Are you okay? You look nervous or something". He said in a calming voice.

I swallowed air, I felt a lump in my throat.

"I-I'm fine". I blurted, quivering a a little.

He smiled and fixed his gaze back forward and started driving slowly towards the street lights.

I went back and forth between thoughts in my head. What am I going to do? I wanted this night with Eric but I accidentally promised Ryan that I would have dinner with him. Hopefully just one dinner. I don't want to become close to him ever again. We are just friends and that's it.

We swerve around a couple of corners. Finally to the street that the restaurant was on, the one I'm suppose to meet Ryan at.
We pass it slowly, enough time to see Ryan in there... Sitting alone. Nicely dressed.

I look back over at Eric.
Maybe I'll catch him on his good side and tell him the truth.. But what if he doesn't take it well.
I went through everything in my head and finally decided what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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