Comfort (Human!Cas)

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Warning: Contains sexual material. Read at your own risk.

It was a Tuesday, and like any other week you were spending your time reading a fanfiction or two off your much loved electronic device. Now this would have been rather enjoyable, if not for the fact that Dean was being rather peculiar.

As of late, whenever anyone in the bunker mentioned Castiel's name, Dean would either change the subject, or just go completely silent. This was probably due to the fact that he had refused to keep Cas housed here after he turned human. As to why this occurred, you had no idea. But it really pissed you off.

Ever since then, Dean tried to avoid you. The tension between the two of you was evident, and Sam's personal frustrations weren't helping either, with his strange accounts of deja vu, or just straight up forgetting what had just happened moments previous. Basically, you were driven up a wall with your stress.

So when you did finally recieve a call from your favorite graceless angel, you heart lept with joy.

"Cas! Where in hell are you?" You exclaimed, eager to hear his voice, and know he was alive.

"I'm next to a dumpster behind a motel in Midland. I'm tired, and have no money to pay for a room here. I regret having to ask, but could come here and help me out?" Castiel said with an exasperated, defeated tone in his voice. Your heart broke as you processed what he had just said.

"Of course, Cas! I'll be there in ten minutes, you've just gotta tough it out till then, alright? You want something to eat, too, hun?" You inquired into the cell phone, grabbing a huge bag of chips and a few bottles of water.

"Yes, please." He responded promptly. You could tell from his voice that he was very weak.

"Alright, I'm coming, Castiel." You looked out the window before adding, "I'm gonna bring you a nice warm raincoat, too. It's pouring out there! Why didn't you call sooner?"

"I apologize, (Y/N). I didn't want to burden you with my problems." As he said this, you were busy grabbing a coat from Sam's closet, and balancing the phone in your hand, as it was set to speaker mode.

"Castiel, nothing you can ask of me is ever a burden. Even though Dean left you out there to fend for yourself, I'd never shun you like that." You claimed.

"Thank you. This cell phone is about to die. I'm going to have to hang up soon." The former angel admitted as you scampered through the house and garage, jumping into the impala.

"That's fine, Cas. I've just gotten in the car. What's the name of the motel?"

"The Blackbird." His voice hitched slightly, probably from being out in the freezing rain for so long. You pulled out of the bunker and booked it for the motel, just a town over. Castiel hung up shortly after that, leaving you to your thoughts.

Your pity extended toward him, as you imagined how he must have been living. Till now you'd assumed he'd gotten a job somewhere, maybe gotten a shabby, pathetic apartment room. All these things proved false, seeing as how he was begging for help next to a damn dumpster.

You blamed Dean. If not for his sporatic descison to kick out Cas, then none of this would have happened. It wasn't even the fact that he kicked Cas out that bothered you, though. It was the fact that you were never given a truthful, valid explanation as to why he couldn't stay. Dean just wouldn't spill.

You pulled up to the front of the motel and parked, grabbing the coat out of the backseat. You went inside the building and booked a room, before jogging as fast as you could to the back of the motel. There was Castiel, shivering, vulnerable, and weak. His back was against the dumpster he described over the phone, and his breath was labored. He no longer was wearing his signature trenchcoat either. Where it went, you did not know.

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