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When you had first met the angel known as Castiel, the first thing you noticed was his wings.

A reflective black, every individual feather almost seemed to shimmer in the daylight. The light hit them in such a way, it almost seemed blinding. The wings themselves, however, seemed dilapidated, and worn, like a piece of paper that was crumpled tightly up and then unfolded.

You could tell the angel had been through a lot.

As well as the wings, the damage was evidently portrayed onto his vessel. His dark hair was absolutely a mess. His eyes, although a startling blue, were tired and weary. And it was through his eyes you could clearly see; he had gone through enough torment to last several lifetimes.

So of course, processing all of this, the first thing you ever said to him was probably the most stupidest thing you could have possibly said.


Now hold on, let's back up here:

It was a foggy day in early April, the sun was hidden behind the wispy clouds that surrounded the air everywhere. That morning, Dean Winchester had convinced you to meet an angel that you'd heard so much about.

The reason you needed so much convincing was because of your skepticism toward the existence of angels. You were a hunter, after all. You knew about everything that went bump in the night, and angels? Well, they certainly weren't one of them.

But Dean claimed otherwise. Some of the most skilled hunters you'd ever met, the Winchesters were trusted people who your family knew extremely well, many years back. So when he claimed there were angels walking about, you were rather bewildered. So he dragged you out of your home state, and into a rather comfortable 1967 Chevrolet Impala.

"I'm telling you, (Y/N). Cas is great! He's saved both mine and Sammy's asses more times than I can count. Just trust me, you'll like him." Dean assured you.

"Yeah, okay. I'll believe it when I see it." You retorted.

The Winchester laughed jokingly, "No, seriously! He's totally your type, by the way. Dark, mysterious, intense."

Dean made a silly face and elbowed you lightly, making you roll your eyes. You focused on the road while he talked, and the curves of the pavement as you went along. Every so often there'd be a clearing in the trees on either side of the road, opening up to a house, or an empty field. Your eyes scanned these curiously, observing each one as you sped by it.

Soon enough you reached your destination. You pulled up outside the bunker, and got out of Dean's vehicle, only to be greeted with the strong hug of his brother.

"(Y/N)! I'm so glad you're here! I haven't seen you in years!" Sam claimed, pulling away from the hug. You smiled at him warmly, glad to be around other hunters, such as himself and his brother.

"So, where is this alleged angel I've been hearing so much about? Castiel, right?" You questioned aloud.

As soon as the comment came out of your mouth, you heard the quick wave of a pair of wings. The sound seemed to come from the air itself, not really specific to a certain location. It just... was there.

You glanced around to find the source of the noise, and stopped in your tracks when you saw him.

He was stunning. He seemed unimaginably strong, yet so delicate at the same time. His wings, oh his wings were a sight. You wondered how the Winchesters kept from staring in awe, just as you were in that moment.


Your eyes widened even more as you said this, the angel meeting your gaze with a curious expression and a tilted head.

"I'm sorry, how childish of me. My name's (Y/N). is a pleasure to finally meet you, Castiel." You snapped out of your little trance, extending your hand politely to be shaken.

He nodded at you, and approached swiftly, taking your hand. But as soon as you even so much as touched his skin, you could feel every fiber of his being entangle with your own, on a molecular level.

It was an extremely bizarre experience, to say the least. Not particularly pleasurable, but at the same time, it had an overwhelming sense of intimacy.

As soon as your hands touched, it was if you could feel all of him. You could literally feel him. Not only physically, when you felt every strand of his grace flow through your soul, but emotionally. You could feel the love and belonging he felt with the Winchesters, the hatred toward all intensive evils, and the emptiness and vacancy of something you couldn't quite process, as it simply whisked by too fast.

These sensations were shocking and utterly overwhelming. Within a fraction of a second, all of this information found it's way to you brain, your nerves and soul. And when your eyes met once again with Castiel, you could tell the same phenomenon had just occured within him as well. Though his expression remained unchanged, his eyes reflected alarm, and confusion.

"Did you-" You started to speak, wondering if this was the work of angel magic.

"No. That wasn't anything I've ever experienced before in all of my existence." Castiel interrupted.

The both of you struggled to find anything to say -anything at all- but you were at just a loss for words. You needed something to focus on, something to pry your eyes away from the frozen gaze you shared. Blinking, you quickly glanced your eyes to the right, and saw once again the intricate feathers of the wings that portruded from the angel's being. You took a few seconds to observe with caution.

"They're beautiful." You motioned over his shoulder, "They'"

And as soon as those words slipped from your mouth, you knew it was true. All those things that were just reflected back, all the emotions, feelings, mental images; it was contained in those wings.

"You can see them." Castiel stated, as less of a question, and more of an observation.

"Yes." You confirmed, reaching out to touch the satiny down of midnight black plumage. As suspected, the wings were delicate and sensitive to the touch, and it took all of Castiel's will not to jerk them away subconciously. His breathing slowed as you caressed them lightly, and you could swear you felt his heart beat slow to meet yours.

And then everything suddenly crashed from around your little bubble of intimacy, as the youngest Winchester spoke aloud, reminding you that you were not alone. A blush dusted you cheeks as you pulled your hand away. Castiel's expression dimmed at the loss of contact.

"(Y/N), What are you doing? What was that?" Sam questioned

"Nothing, Sam, nothing." You turned, and shook off the moment. But looking back at the angel Castiel for a split second, his face revealed that he too knew what had just happened.

You had suspected it too, as if it was already chisled into your nervous system, your body:

You had just undoubtably met your one and only soulmate.

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