Shower Pt. 1

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Warning: Contains mentions of nudity, sexual themes and suggestions. Pt. 2 will contain straight up smut.
Hunting was never your strong suit.

Although you had entered the life of Cas and the boys, you never really had the type of training needed to become a proper hunter. On the contrary, you were one of the most physically weakest people that Sam and Dean knew. Hadn't won an arm wrestle in 7 years.

But as of late, you'd been attempting to change that. Setting up a spare room in the bunker, you transformed it into a personal gym in which you trained yourself every day. Nothing too much, just some basic exercise to get your blood pumping. Cardio for your heart, as well, which was also abnormally weak.

On this particular day, it was a Thursday, and Sam and Dean were out on a case. Castiel was coming in and out of the bunker every few hours, checking to ensure that you were safe. His hair was ruffled, as if he's ran his hands through it a thousand times in worry.

"Cas... you know it'd be better if I just came with you." You huffed quietly, hopping off your treadmill. He rolled his eyes noticeably.

"And how would that be better? I don't want to have to worry about you getting hurt. You're safe here!" He reasonably retorted.

You crossed your arms and glared defiantly at Castiel, with your eyebrows raised expectantly.

"Oh, really? So I'm safe in the bunker? The same place where the British Men of Letters attempted to lock us all up and kill us by drowning out our oxygen last week? Yes, Cas, I'm completely safe here." Your sarcasm melted through his skin, hitting him hard with guilt. After all, you'd been kept in this bunker for months. Hadn't even been outside.

"Fine, I get it. Just... don't do anything stupid. My powers have been..." Cas trailed off, thinking to himself.

"What?" You asked urgently.

"It's nothing." Castiel shakes his head, "Just be ready to leave in an hour."

"Whatever you say, Cassie." You laughed, patting him on the shoulder before leaving the fitness room.


Before jumping in the shower, you decided to make yourself some breakfast. The reason being that if you took a shower on an empty stomach, you'd likely pass out. It'd happened many times before, and it had come to the point where you rarely forgot to eat something with high sugar content beforehand.

You got yourself a cup of tea (with three heaping tablespoons of sugar) and sat down at the table, eating and drinking slowly, letting yourself regain your composure from your previous workout just minutes ago.

After finishing, you went to your room and grabbed a couple of large, fuzzy towels, and headed to the bathroom directly across the hall. A few doors down you could hear Cas talking to himself, getting quite frustrated about something. By the sound of it he was struggling to properly use a laptop. You chuckled, before stepping in the bathroom, and turning on the lights. After the shower incident when you passed out, you never ever risked locking the door, in case of emergency.

The heat from the shower was smothering, but necessary. Stepping in, you felt the dirt and grime wash off your naked body, the water glide down your skin. You began to hum slowly to yourself, lathering your hair with shampoo and conditioner. As you did this you locked your knees, and you closed your eyes to ensure they wouldn't get soap in them.

After a while of this, your knees seemed heavier, weaker. You opened your eyes again. The tile in the shower was fuzzy, the room started to spin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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