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You were walking down the street on your way to work, as an average Tuesday morning in the summer heat of Los Angeles. The sidewalks in the city were always filthy, bustling, and overcrowded, filled with listless people who seemed to get less crazy by the day. Today was no different, as you saw a man with brightly died hair, and a goofy smile. You were baffled by the sight of his vibrantly red locks the first day that you came across him, but now it was a generally normal occurence to see him darting from the corner of 5th Avenue and Darenti in such a rush one could believe he was being chased by the police.

You thought you'd seen all of the eccentricity the city had to offer that day, when you ran head first into a man who was carrying a rather large box, with black ink letters stamped across the side of it. You both mumbled your apologies quickly, and glanced at each other before going on your merry way.

Or at least, that's what you thought would happen.

When you gazed up at the man, your eyes met with a pair of vast azure irises staring back at you. The man's hair was a dark shade of umber, and his lips were of the finest tint of light rose.

Perfection was practically staring you in the face, and yet all you could do was stay silent as he excused himself, and walked past you. You still eyed him as he walked away.

Getting yourself back to your train of thought, however, you continued down the street to the corner shop that you worked in. You yourself worked as a cashier there, and loved it. The whole building usually had this overwhelming sense of joy, along with the overwhelming scent of lilacs and gardenias of course.

You put on your nametag, and were ready to start your day with a smile.

"Hello there, young lady! I'd like to buy these." A chipper old woman exclaimed as she stepped over to the cash register with her arms full of oriental lilies.

"Oh my! Yes, those are lovely, aren't they? Especially this time of year, I hear it's the perfect time to plant them!" You commented, adding up her total.

"That'll be...hmm, let's see... you've got twenty stems right there... so that'll be $65.99!" You said with a smile. The woman smiled back, and paid in full cash. You wished her a nice day as she exited, the bell on the door chiming as it closed.

As you waited for the next customer, (it wasn't that busy this early in the morning, hence why you were the only employee needed here at this hour) you cleaned off the counters with a damp cloth, and walked around the store, making sure all of the flowers were perfect.

As you were positioning a vase of peonies in the back by the register, the bell above the shop door chimed, signaling someone opening the door.

"I'll be with you in a second!" You shouted to ensure the customer heard you. Turning around and heading toward the sound of footsteps in the store, your eyebrows raise at the sight in front of you.

The man from earlier with the striking eyes had waltzed into your store right under your nose, by pure luck. He glanced around nervously as soon as he noticed your presence, and you could tell he was purposfully avoiding eye contact for as long as possible.

"Hey, you're the guy I saw earlier! You know, I thought it was such a shame that I didn't ask you for your name? Or at the very least, your number. You looked pretty busy though, hauling that box." Your sarcasm and charisma rang through the basically empty store.

"I...I'm Castiel. Cas." He said with the blood rising to his face. Although shaky, he extended his hand toward you and gave a surprisingly firm handshake.

"So what can I get you, Cas? You looking for a single boquet, or just a bulk order?" You questioned, taking a moment to scan your eyes over his figure. He had a fine built body, with average toned arms that revealed themselves through his black t-shirt, and he was relatively tall.

"My boss just wants me to pick some flowers for the counter at the store I work at. There's a little café about a block from here... we're not that popular." He said monotonously, scanning the shop for something that caught his eye. But this was to no avail, because somehow his azure eyes just managed to trail back to your own.

"Well, do you have any kind of particular style or scent or color that your boss wants?" You questioned, slowly getting lost in his gaze. Just his presence made your insides melt, but you had to regain your composure. He was a paying customer, after all.

"No, I've got the choice. In retrospect, I don't really know much about flowers... do you have a favorite?" He questioned, sticking his hands in his pockets of his pants, an inquisitive look upon his features.

"Well... personally I love lilies, because I always had them in my yard as a child, and they just remind me of my parents. I just sold some a few minutes ago, as a matter of fact. But for you? I think... dendrobium orchids, maybe? Those would look pretty in a café, don't you think?" You walked over to your left, pointing to the flower you were referring to.

"Those would be rather beatiful, actually. I'll take... this one." He touched a vase of them softly, as if considering whether or not they were too expensive. You noticed this, and commented on his nonchalant contemplations.

"You can have them, on the house." You blurted out on a whim, "Just don't tell my boss I said that." A chuckled escaped your lips, as he looked up in shock.

"I appreciate the gesture, hut I couldn't possibly..." He attempted to reason with you, but you interrupted him mid-sentence.

"Just have them. And..." You grabbed a pen out of your pocket, and then grabbed his hand... "You can have this, too."

He was wide eyed, yet contented as you wrote your number into his palm with the ballpoint pen. He smiled as you let go of his hand, and took a hold of the dendrobiums instead.

"I...uh, I don't think you told me your name." He said at the door, turing back to face you.

"(Y/N). My name is (Y/N)."

He smiled at this, and nodded his head lightly, before walking out the door with his free dendrobium orchids.


Part 2 for this, anybody??? It took me way too long to find the inspiration to write, but I finally got this one done, and I'm dying to know if y'all want a part 2 or not!

This one was suggested by ObsessiveGeekishGirl so ya'll have her to thank for this amazing prompt!

Anywho, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and want a part two, and you can either message me or comment a suggestion for an imagine. I'll usually always do them, it just takes time.

Also, if you'd like to see a part 2 of any of these, make sure to vote on them, so I know which ones to extend off of! Until then, I hope ya'll have a great rest of your day or evening!

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