The Date Pt. 2

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The Date, Pt. 2

It was Castiel.

"...Come in, Cas." You said, quietly, contemplating what Castiel could ever possibly want at this hour. You watched as he slowly creaked the door open, and peered in at you. Once he saw you, he immediately opened the door further and stepped through, closing it behind him.

"I'm sorry about your night." He said softly to you, sitting down next to you on your bed. You sat with your arms crossed against your chest, and a sour look of malcontent on your face. Anger still pumped through your veins, but you thought it best to control yourself in front of Castiel.

"Well, I just got felt up by Dean, to nobody's surprise, seeing as the only thing he wants is sex. And then I defended myself, and we fought about it. After which, I told him to fuck off. So yeah...tonight sucked." You chuckled with an eye roll, continuing to bottle up your animosity.

"If I were him, I would not have acted so desperate and pathetic." Castiel admitted. "I just don't understand why he's been such a bad person lately..."

"I don't know, Cas. All I know is that I'm done with him." You concluded aloud. At these words, however, Castiel touched your shoulder slightly, to meet your gaze, and his eyes were filled with undescribable sympathy.

You began to bawl.

"Cas, why would he act like that? What's wrong with him? Is it my fault?" You cried into his coat. He wrapped his arm around you, attempting to soothe you in any way possible. He rested his head on top of yours, and ran his fingers through your hair calmly.

"No, (Y/N), it's not your fault. Dean...he doesn't deserve you if he chooses to act like that. He's nothing, nothing when compared to you, (Y/N)." Castiel assured you, as you continued to sob into his coat, wrapped in his warm arms.

You finally looked up at him, and he seemed rather taken aback. His eyebrows raised in surprise and confusion, as you asked him, "What's wrong, Cas?"

"You...your face..." He marveled. His thumb met the skin below your eye, and it arose with a black, wet streak down the pad of his fingertip. You finally realized why he was so perplexed, and couldn't help but laugh aloud.

"That's my makeup, Cas! Sorry, it's not very pretty to look at when I'm crying...Dean likes it though, that's why I wore it." You tittered to yourself, before falling short, thinking aboug Dean once more. Sniffling, you tried to wipe the makeup away with your wrist, but to no avail. Although the dark makeup was now smeared all over your wrist, it seemed to still reside on your face.

Castiel said nothing, but stood up and went over to your bathroom. He returned a minute layer with a small package labeled fittingly, "Nontoxic Makeup Remover Wipes." You took one, and started to clean your face up a little. It was kind of difficult, not seeing yourself in the mirror.

"Personally, I think you look much better without all of that makeup covering your face. I'm not saying it isn't beautiful, but I prefer to see your natural skin. Even now." He chuckled lightly and simpered, taking the towelette from you and wiping under your eyelids softly. Somehow he still managed to apply enough pressure on your skin to actually remove the runny blotches of eyeliner and mascara. You smiled at him weakly as he did this.

"Thank you, Castiel." You said. He nodded, finishing with the wipe, and throwing it in the garbage. You sat in silence, for a moment, befor he spoke up once more.

"Why did you ever think he'd be good for you?" He bluntly inquired. You hesitated with an answer, trying to respond reasonably.

"I... I don't know, Cas. He just used to seem like the perfect knight in shining armor, ya know? Riding in on that black impala an' all to save the day..." A chuckle escaped your lips before you continued, shaking your head. "I just thought he'd be different. I thought maybe he had the capability of loving someone other than his brother, for once. Of letting someone into his life! But evidently I was wrong, seeing how tonight went." You concluded.

"Yeah... If I had half the luck Dean had, in having you, I wouldn't of screwed it up. You deserve more. I'm sorry he couldn't give that to you." He apologized once again, making you skeptical of what he was thinking.

"Why... why do you keep saying sorry about me and Dean?" You inquired, meeting his intense gaze. His face lowered to yours, so your foreheads were touching. All of the sudden your palms were perspiring, and your heart seemed to beat a mile a minute.

Castiel's voice went down to a soft whisper in your ear, "Well, (Y/N)... I keep saying that so I feel less guilty when I do this-"

He closed the gap between you, and firmly pressed his lips against yours. Although taken aback by his actions, you responded promptly, and kissed him back.

And it was even then that you knew your next relationship would be a lot more successful than the last.


Hey guys! So, don't forget to vote on this if you enjoyed! This little number was originally inspired by an idea from SPNAddict101

Also, if you have any requests, feel free to leave them in the comments, or even message me privately, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

Have a great rest of your day, y'all!

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