Chapter 1

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Edd's P.O.V
As I sit in the doctor's office, I jiggle my knee. I've been feeling weird lately, so Tom scheduled me an appointment to visit his doctor.
The doctor comes back into the room, carrying a clipboard. That makes me nervous, so I bring my hand to my mouth to chew on my cuticles.
"Mr. Gould, after running the tests, it seems you have schizophrenia. It's nothing out of the ordinary, so don't worry so much about it."
Schizophrenia? But I'm not crazy! I don't have schizophrenia.
"But Doc, I'm not crazy."
He nodded, not really paying attention to me.
"I never said that you were crazy. It's okay, Edd. I'm ordering a prescription for you that you should be able to pick up at 3 P.M. Make sure you take this medicine every morning when you wake up."
He walked me out of his office, and I saw Tom waiting in the lounge for me. He was playing on his phone, but looked up when the Doctor showed up.
Him and the Doctor talked for a minute, before Tom and I left.
"How'd it go?" He asked while getting into the driver's seat.
"Dandy, Tom. I only got told that I'm crazy." I replied sarcastically.
"You're not crazy, Edd."
He rolled his eyes and started to leave the parking lot. His usual antics calmed me down, seeing as his sarcasm was normal.
"What about us?" I asked.
"Whaddya mean?" He asked, turning onto the road that would take us home.
"Well, I have schizophrenia. You'll probably want to find someone new, since it wouldn't work out." I said, my bottom lip quivering.
"What- no! Edd, you having schizophrenia changes nothing! I still love you, dumbass. We'll make it work."
He pulled into the driveway, and we got out. He lead me into the living room, where he sat me down.
"What do you want for lunch?"
"Hmmmm... just make ramen." I said, flicking through the TV.
He went into the kitchen, where he pulled out the supplies. I closed my eyes and listened to him making the ramen, until I eventually drifted off to sleep.
Tom's P.O.V
I finished making the ramen, and headed back to the living room with the two bowls.
I turned to Edd to give him his bowl, only to find him lightly snoring in the couch.
I sighed, but smiled slightly as I pulled a blanket over him. Edd was a heavy sleeper, so when I sat down and cuddled up next to him, he didn't wake up.
I flipped through the channels, until I found a funny movie. I left it on and leaned back, eating my ramen.
Once I was finished, I took mine and Edd's bowl out of there, dumping his into the sink. I rinsed the bowls out and put them in the dishwasher.
I checked the time, and saw it was nearing 3. I left a note and hopped in the car, heading towards the pharmacy.
When I returned, I saw Edd walking around the house groggily.
"What're you doing?" I asked, confused and amused.
"I, um, thought you might've, uh, returned home."
His speech was slightly slurred from the tiredness.
"Well, I'm home now. I just went to grab your meds."
He huffed and made his way over to me. I looked up slightly to look him in the eyes. He didn't say anything, only pulled me into the blanket that was wrapped around him.
I groaned as his arms wrapped around me, but leaned into him anyways.
"Let's go to your room to put these up." I said, pulling myself out of his grip and headed up the stairs.
He followed, and I opened his door. I bounded over to his bed and flopped down, setting the bag on his nightstand.
I shifted over, facing the wall as I pulled the covers over myself. Only a few short moments had followed until I felt the other side of the mattress being weighted down, notifying me Edd was lying next to me.
I closed my eyes, allowing a form of tiredness take over. I know I'd regret this later, as I'd probably go to bed at 5 A.M. again, but, damn, it was worth it.
Right as I was about to drift off, Edd moved, causing me to flail from the sudden movement.
"Sorry!" He said sheepishly.
My eyes were wide with surprise, but I lay back down. As I got my muscles to re-relax, the sound of pencil on paper filled the room.
I turned over with a grunt so I could face Edd.
"Whatcha drawing?" I asked, peering at the paper.
"Just a doodle 'cause I'm bored."
He said, flashing the paper at my face. It was of two people having an interaction.
I smiled at him, then got up and stretched.
"Where are you going?" He asked worriedly.
"Don't worry, I'm just gonna go get Susan. I'll be right back."
Edd's P.O.V
I watched as Tom left, worrying that he wouldn't come back. I waited in anticipation for his return, nervously rolling the pencil in between my fingers.
When he showed up, I immediately relaxed. I waited patiently as he climbed onto the bed, careful to not wreck his bass.
He sat down next to me with a heavy thump. He got himself positioned, and plucked a few chords.
Soon, the room was relaxing, filled with Tom's notes and my drawing noises.
When it was time to go to bed, Tom got me a glass of water and started to head out, stopping at the door.
"Need anything else?" He asked.
Really, I wanted him to stay in my room. We didn't do that too often, but when we did it was nice.
"Nah, you can go to bed."
He nodded and left, turning my light off behind him.
As soon as the door clicked shut, I became hyper aware of my surrounding.
What if someone is outside the window?
Don't be ridiculous! We're on the second floor.
What is they're already inside?!
I don't think anyone is inside...
They're gonna get you.
"No!" I said, protesting to whatever was talking.
I could hear heavy footsteps coming to my room, and my pulse quickened.
The door flew open, and I almost shrieked.
"Edd?! You okay? I heard you yelling."
Just Tom. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, sorry, I just had a nightmare."
"You sure you don't need anything?" He questioned.
"I'm sure."
He left, and I was alone in the dark once again. Luckily, the voice didn't bother me again, and I drifted to sleep.

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