Chapter 2

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Tom's P.O.V
I woke up and looked at the alarm clock.
Ah, shit. I hope Edd took his medicine. I stumbled out of my room and went to his door, lightly tapping before going in without a response.
Surprisingly, he was still asleep. I went over to him and gently put my hand on his back, shaking him slightly.
"Edd, it's time to get up."
He slapped my hand away harshly.
"Leave me alone." He spat out, anger dripping from his words.
I pulled my hand back in shock.
"Edd, what's wrong?"
I grabbed his medicine, and popped a pill.
I froze, stunned by what he said.
Oh man, I need him to take one of these pills.
"Take this."
I shoved the medicine in his hand, and watched him swallow it dry.
I decided to leave him alone until the medicine kicked in, and headed downstairs to make breakfast.
Not too much later, thumps could be heard coming down the stairs. It was Edd and Matt, chatting as they came down.
I pulled out two plates, making theirs. I set the plates down and headed upstairs to get dressed.
Edd's P.O.V
I felt really bad about blowing up on Tom like I did earlier. He made our plates, and then left.
I quickly finished mine and headed up the stairs, wanting to apologize.
I opened the door without knocking, only to hear Tom shriek and curl up into himself.
I laughed, seeing how ridiculous he looked.
"Edd! Knock next time! I thought you were Matt or maybe even Tord!" He pouted.
He finished getting dressed, a bit more calmly than what I had just seen before.
"Hey, Tom... I'm sorry for hitting and yelling at you earlier."
"Don't worry about it." He said nonchalantly.
I nodded, but the uneasy feeling didn't reside.
What if he hates you?
He doesn't hate me. He said he loves me.
I bet you he does, especially after you hit him.
It was an accident!
So are you.
"You don't hate me, right, Tom?" I asked.
"Of course not! Edd, it's okay. We all make mistakes. You know I care about and love you. Don't sweat it."
See! He doesn't hate me.
Whatever you say...
This goddamn voice was annoying me.
"Edd, is your medicine working?"
I froze. I'd never lied to Tom before, but I didn't want to visit the doctor again.
Tom looked suspicious, but brushed it off. He trusted me to tell the truth.
He put his trust in the wrong person.
I sighed angrily, but ignored it. I could tell today was gonna be a long day.
Tom's P.O.V
Edd seemed really irritated, but maybe he just got a shitty night's sleep. I headed downstairs and plopped myself onto the couch, pulling out my phone and scrolling through my explore page on Instagram.
I soon got bored of that, and decided that I was gonna go on a walk and get healthy.
Like that'd ever happen.
I ran upstairs and pulled on my shoes, which were coming apart from the constant use of them.
I went into Edd's room to see if he wanted to come along, but he wasn't there.
Confused, I went and tapped on Matt's door.
"Come in!" He yelled.
I pushed the door open, peering inside as I did so. Edd and Matt were in here, it seems they were hanging out.
"Oh, sorry to bother you guys. I was gonna see if Edd wanted to do something with me, but it's not important if you are busy."
I closed the door and jogged down the stairs, putting in earbuds and looking to find a good song.
I turned my head back to see Edd rushing down the stairs while trying to put his shoes on.
I pulled out one earbud, as if asking him what he needed.
"I want to come with you, that's all."
"Ah. Well, okay. I'm just gonna walk around the park, so you don't have to worry about it. It's nothing big." I stated, pulling out the other earbud and putting them into my pockets.
"No, it's fine. I want to hang out with you."
I nodded, and we made our way to the park, talking along the way.
He seemed to be getting more and more agitated, so I decided to ask him.
"Edd-" I started, but stopped abruptly as he turned around and pushed me.
Either he had one fucked up night or he lied about the prescription being alright.
Edd's expression immediately turned to guilt and fear.
"Tom- I- I didn't mean to! I'm really sorry!"
Instead of calling him out, or confronting him about the medicine, I just grabbed his hand and gently rubbed his knuckles.
"It's okay, Edd. I'm here for you if you need to talk. Don't bend your back too much."
His shoulders slouched with relief and comfort.
"Thanks, Tom. It means a lot."
We reached the park, and started walking around on the trail. It looked pretty, although the sky was a bit overcast. The sweet smell of rain encased the air around us.
Edd's P.O.V
"Tom, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back." I said, walking away quickly.
I could hear him start a sentence but stop as he saw I already left.
I made my way into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I went over to the sink and turned it on, splashing some of the luke-warm water on my face.
What's wrong? Feeling a little jumpy, Twitchy?
Don't call me that.
Awww! You gonna lose your temper again?
I looked up in the mirror, and my reflection didn't follow. Instead, I saw myself gripping the sink with a malicious smile on my face.
Horrified, I punched the mirror, watching the cheap glass fall. Luckily my knuckles didn't get bloodied, but I heard a knock on the door.
"Hold on!" I yelled, frantically trying to pick up the glass.
I pushed it all into the corner, then unlocked the door and opened it. It was some random creepy man.
As I rushed past him, he touched my sides. I immediately turned around and clocked him, hitting him in the nose. The man yelled in pain, getting anyone within a 50 feet distance attention.
Tom was the first to come over.
"Edd, what the hell?!"
He grabbed my hand and started leading us out of the park. We ran pretty far before taking a break to breathe.
"Edd, are you SURE the medicine is strong enough? I only want to help you, Babe. It's okay to say it's not."
I wanted to let him help me, I wanted to have him hold me and tell me it's alright. But, I didn't want to admit that I had a problem.
"I'm sorry, Tom. I'm just not feeling well. Can we go home and hang out?"
His eyes looked up at me, filled with...pain? Why was he hurt? Did I do something wrong?
"Yeah, Okay." Was all he said.

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