Chapter 5

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Tom's P.O.V
It was around 6 A.M., and I shifted with a groan. I opened my eyes, looking around the still dark room.
I saw Edd was up, playing on his phone.
Weird. He's not usually up THIS early.
"Edd, what're you doing up?" I croaked, my throat hoarse.
He looked up, his eyes glassy.
"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to stay up."
His voice was barely a whisper, most likely due to not speaking for so long.
I yawned and slowly rose from the bed, stretching as I did so. I sat back down on my bed heavily, trying to make my thoughts coherent.
It was always like this in the morning, my thoughts were jumbled from sleep. It was like I could barely speak English, only knowing the simple phrases.
I turned to look at Edd. "You wanna go out for breakfast? We could have a little adventure today?" I offered tiredly, slightly grinning.
He nodded his head and clicked his phone off. He crawled to the end of my bed, where I was, and pulled me down so I was laying.
I was confused, until he laid down on top of me, smothering me under his weight.
"Edd! Get off of me!" I laughed.
He giggled, which intensified the pressure that was being put on my abdomen.
I laughed harder, and I didn't really know why. But, I swear my rib cage was going to break. I pleaded for him to get off, and he did, giving me a guilty smile and half-assed apology.
I rolled my eyes and shooed him out of my room while I got dressed.
Edd's P.O.V
I chuckled while Tom shoved me out of his room. After he had closed the door, I went to my own room to put on a fresh set of clothes.
As soon as I closed my door, everything was submerged in blackness.
I looked around, confused and scared. My head whipped from side to side and my eyes scanned the room constantly.
That was, until I saw figures creeping out from the depths of the darkness. Long, skinny, terrifying shadows appeared before me.
They stalked closer to me, and I could sense the malicious intent that radiated off of them.
I clawed to grab anything, a light or a weapon, something to aid me. But, nothing came into my reach. I could only cower as they came forward.
Suddenly, light spilled into the inky blackness and I was ripped out of the horrible situation.
There stood Tom, only with his shirt on and his pants in hand.
I scrambled to stand up, clumsily running towards Tom and engulfing him in a hug.
No words were said as we sunk to the floor, and he gently rubbed my back in circles.
I shivered, grateful to be out of the horrid place. Once I calmed down enough, I pulled away.
"You okay?" He asked concernedly.
I nodded, and took a moment to look at him. I may be taller and older, but Tom was my prince. My hero. We balanced each other out. We were perfect together.
We stood back up, and I thanked him.
"No problem! I'll be right back, so you can go hang out with Matt for a minute if you want."
He scurried off and I headed downstairs. Matt was sitting on the couch, looking at himself in a mirror.
"Hey, Matt!" I said, sliding into the couch.
"Hey, Edd!" He responded, not looking away from the mirror.
I grinned at his behavior then turned towards the TV, putting on The Children.
Tom's P.O.V
I went into my room, picking up my phone and dialing the doctor's number.
I don't care what Edd says, either his pills aren't working or he isn't taking them.
The doctor picked up, and I explained the situation. He said he could have Edd in in a week. I thanked him and hung up.
Alright, just wait one more week.
I put my pants on, shivering as the cold jean material made contact with my legs.
I trotted down the stairs, seeing Edd and Matt having a conversation.
"C'mon, Edd. Let's go." I said flatly, although my eyes held a bit of a twinkle.
He hopped up and slinked over to the door, waiting for me to get there. I grabbed my car keys and wallet and went to the door, pulling it open.
We walked out to the car and I threw myself into the passenger seat, putting the keys into the ignition.
Edd sat down and shut his door with a slam. He buckled himself up, then cranked up the air.
"You know I get cold!" I whined, glaring playfully at him.
"Exactly. If you get cold enough, you'll have no choice but to resort to cuddling with me!" He grinned and leaned back.
I shook my head and looked behind us as I pulled out, making sure no other cars were coming.
I backed out and started the journey, heading towards my favorite diner.
Edd's P.O.V
We started heading down a long road that had nothing but trees lining the sides. I watched out the window, not paying attention until a movement inside the car caught my eye.
Tom had flipped off the AC. I smirked and put it on full blast.
He gave me a sour look but continued driving.
We arrived at an old looking building, it was painted a light blue, thought some parts the paint had chipped off.
He got out of the car and I followed, locking the doors behind us.
He rubbed his arms as we made our way inside, where the AC was also on blast.
He groaned as I slid into a booth. I held my arms open, waiting for him to crawl into my grip as I had a shit-eating grin.
He glared at me but slid into my arms, pressing his side against my chest. I had one arm slung around him, pulling him closer to me.
A waitress came over to us and handed us menus. She had a warm smile, and her amber colored eyes complimented her appearance.
Though, no one could out-do Tom's eyes. They were endless black pools of ink, filled with stories. A universe, holding mystery and beauty.
"Hello, I'm Missy. Can I get you two something to drink?" She asked, pulling out a note pad.
"Yeah, two Cokes."
She wrote it down and hurried off.
"You suck." Tom said, glancing at the menu.
"Yeah, but my plan worked!" I pointed out.
Maybe you should try some other plans!
Like what?
Start the End of the world! It'd work nicely. Starting with that "boyfriend" of yours.
"I need to use the bathroom."
I nudged Tom out of the booth and stood up, briskly walking to the bathroom.

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