Chapter 4

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Tom's P.O.V
I came back with the food, my hands so full I had to use my foot to open and close the door.
I released all the snacks onto my bed, then climbed back to the top where Edd was. We immediately started sifting through the snacks, seeing which one we wanted to start on first.
I decided on Twizlers and Edd had the bag of chips. I got comfy before flipping through Netflix.
"What genre?" I asked, trying to make it easier on both of us.
That was weird. Edd never willingly chose a horror film, but I decided that he was feeling brave. Too bad it wouldn't last for long.
I chuckled to myself before picking out the least scary horror movie.
"What is that? Give me the remote."
He grabbed the remote and turned on a different movie.
I sat there, tearing my Twizler in hard yanks before eating the smaller pieces. It wasn't too soon before I was the one who was scared, looking around the room and covers pulled up to my neck.
"You scared, Tom?" He teased.
I have no idea how this man wasn't about to piss his pants like I was, but I wiggled backwards until my back was pressed against his chest.
He sighed and slung an arm over me.
"I'll protect you." He said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes, but I was actually very relieved he wasn't moving his arm any time soon.
The movie ended, and my stomach was turning. Edd yawned.
"How're you not shaken up?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"Let's go to sleep." He suggested.
I looked over at the window, surprised to see it was dark.
"Okay." I said, getting comfortable. Edd did the same, the let out a heavy sigh as he settled.
"Night, Tommy Bear." He cooed.
I rolled my eyes. It was a stupid nickname he had given me.
I closed my eyes, and soon sleep took a hold of me.
Edd's P.O.V
I woke up in the middle of the night, mainly because Tom was moving around and whimpering.
I sighed and turned him around so he was facing me. I put my arm over him and lightly played with his hair.
Soon, his face relaxed and the jerking subsided. I moved my hand to the small of his back and pulled him closer before going back to sleep.
4 A.M.
I woke up again, but this time to the feeling of uneasiness. I looked around, only to see a figure standing outside Tom's window.
I froze, fear stiffening my body. I shook Tom awake.
"Mmmm?" He groaned, opening one eye,
I put my finger to my lips and pointed to the window.
He looked over, then plopped his head jack down.
I don't understand. Is he not worried about the person outside? Does he know them?
"Tom, did you look?"
"Yes, Edd. I can see it's very early, but I'm not ready to wake up."
"No, Tom, someone was outside. They still are!"
He looked again, then turned back to me, concern etched into his face.
"Edd, no one is one is out there. Are you okay?"
I sighed in frustration and defeat. I looked again, but when I did, no one was there.
"I'm sorry. It must've been a bad dream." I played it off.
He nodded and set his head down onto my chest, nuzzling against me until he got comfortable.
I looked at the clock. Dammit, I was wide awake now.
I pulled out my phone and turned the brightness all the way down before scrolling through social media.
I bet they're all around you.
Who is they? What are you talking about?
The people.
There are no people.
What if we got rid of everyone.
What about Tom?
Even him.
I shook my head vigorously. Tom is the only person I can trust. He wouldn't leave me, he's my safe place.
Even houses crumble.
I wanted to scream in frustration, but with Tom on my chest, I'd feel guilty. So, I lightly played with his hair and tapped my fingers on his back.
He stayed asleep, which was a surprise since he's usually a light sleeper. He must be pretty tired.
I sighed and rested my head back down, willing for sleep to take a hold of me.
After what felt like forever, I felt my vision blur and my eyes grow heavy. I gave a small smile and held Tom close to me before drifting off to sleep.

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