Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

A week later

July 27th

"Pass me the ice cream please"

"Charlie I think you have had enough ice cream today"

"But Karlaaa I really want some..."

"Ok stop... just stop and listen to yourself Charlotte"

I dropped my spoon knowing that I was about to get in massive trouble. She never called me Charlotte unless I did something really wrong.

"Listen here and listen closely because I'm only gonna say this once. You are a beautiful strong girl who needs to stop acting like a damn princess. Ok yes Tom was a dick for placing that bet on you and you did the right thing in dumping his ass. But look at you're lying on the sofa in your daggy pyjamas watching Disney movies eating a shit load of junk food crying over that dickhead. Charlie he's not worth your tears. So please stop feeling sorry for yourself. I gave you a week to get over him because I didn't think you would act like this. But now I'm taking control so go and get your skinny ass into your room and change into the outfit I left out for you. We are going out."

"But...but...I just wanted the damn icecream."

"No buts. Just go get changed I'm going to give you the boost you need."

I heaved up from the couch and looked around. Candy wrappers littered the floor and 3 big tubs sat around me empty. Karla was right I need to stop wallowing and feeling sorry for myself and show Tom who's boss. I deserve better than this. I deserve better than him.


"Can I look yet pleasssssse?" I whined impatiently

"No so shut up for a minute while I fix your hair" Karla grumbled at me

I had been sitting at my vanity for what felt like hours when it had really only been 1 hour. Karla came up with the idea to give me a makeover to help me move on from Tom. My heart tightens slightly whenever someone says his name. Even though I know he's a douchebag there's still a small part of my heart that loves him.

"Ok I think my work here is done" Karla smiled turning the chair around so I could finally look in the mirror.

"It's about time...Oh. My. Gosh...who the hell is that???" I gasped looking into the mirror.

"Sweetheart that's you. Duh. Who else would it be?" Karla rolled her eyes at me.

"But that's not possible...I never look beautiful."

Karla had done a smokey eye sort of look and made my eyes look much brighter and alive. Then she curled my hair and pulled it into a pony tail to the side of my face.

"Charlie, you are always beautiful you just need to believe in yourself more. Now come on you need to change your clothes to finish the look then we are going out."

"Alright lets go break some hearts and empty our wallets at the same time. Lets go shopping."

"Now you're speaking my language."


Hey there amazing people. Sorry for the late update. I hope you are enjoying the book so far. Let me know what you think I'd love your feedback. Vote, comment, share do whatever it is you do :) stay awesome. Picture to the side is Charlottes hair and makeup

Oh and a big shout out to my amazing followers x__light_ash__x and amybristow you guys are amazing thank you so much for your support

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