Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Getting back home I collapse onto my bed. My shopping bags scatter my once clean floor. I sigh as I rethink all the drama that occur at the stupid shopping centre. Did I seriously slap him. Wow. I'm never normally like that. I don't know what came over me. Actually no...I do know. That stupid Katie had to ruin everything good going for me. I'm so annoyed.

I look around at all the bags on the floor. I don't know why I bothered getting so many new clothes. It's not like I'm going anywhere to wear them. *Ding* my phone alerts me telling me I have a new message.

MITCHELL: heyy weirdo. Where hav u been all my life ;)

CHARLIE: lol hey bestie. It's been like two days since I've seen you :/ you know there's this thing called the weekend where we don't go to hell to learn useless facts that will never help us??

MITCHELL: I sense the sarcasm within you padawan

CHARLIE: yeah yeah u and ur Star Wars. What's up

MITCHELL: well now that u mention it. I was worried about u after what Tom did :/ how r u holding up? Anymore fainting spells ;)

CHARLIE: um yea about that...I saw him today :/

MITCHELL: what?!? Where? When? Give me details woman!!

CHARLIE: well Karla got me out of the house finally and did a whole makeover on me then we went shopping for new clothes and stuff. And um well Tom came over to us with Katie and um...

MITCHELL: and...

CHARLIE: I slapped him across the face then bolted

MITCHELL: *wipes away a tear* my little girl has grown up. I'm so proud of you. You should've done more though

CHARLIE: haha thanks Mitch I'm glad you're still my friend

MITCHELL: haha u can never get rid of me whether you wanted to or not :) anyways I must depart. I'll see you at school tomorrow ok. Stay strong beautiful and just take it day by day xx

CHARLIE: thanks love xx see you then :)

I throw my phone back on my bed with a smile and start going through all the bags of clothes I bought today. I pick up a cute little dress to admire it. It's a gorgeous lace, white and orange ombré flare dress. It fits me perfectly and hugs me in all the right places. I think I might just wear this tomorrow for the free dress day at school. Who knows maybe I might catch another boys attention...

Hi guys *peers cautiously around the corner* I know it's been a little while since I've updated but here's the next chapter. I hope you like it :) please vote, comment and let me know whatcha think. Until next time xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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