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"Where is Xiang'er?" Shang Wuxin asked while looking at the kneeling servants.

Unfortunately, no one replied. Xiang'er was the crown prince's personal maid, but she always acted rampant within the residence. As far as the servants were concerned, Xiang'er was much more fearsome than the crown prince. After all, the crown prince was stuck sick in bed day in and day out. Ha, they basically had nothing to fear. They had also never seen him punish anyone.

Good, excellent! Hearing the silence before her, Shang Wuxin didn't get angry, and smiled instead. Apparently, the crown prince was just a good for nothing waste in their eyes. Why else would they ignore her words?

"Shameless!" Chief Hai kicked a nearby servant boy and glowered at everyone. "Didn't you hear the Crown Prince speak? You're tired of living!" Even if his voice was shrill, his status was above the other servants and his oppressive aura wasn't at all easy to deal with. Moreover, everyone within the residence was afraid of Chief Hai.

His manner in front of the crown prince might have been like a dog, but behind the scenes, Chief Hai was merciless toward the people who disobeyed the crown prince. However, Xiang'er was a favored maid and the crown prince would definitely not be able to bear scolding her. The servant boy, who was kicked earlier, immediately ran out to find Xiang'er.

Looking at the crown prince who was acting different from usual, Chief Hai wondered what he intended to do. Normally, Xiang'er used the crown prince's kindness to run rampant and harass others within the residence. Previously, he had wanted to deal with her in private, but that would've saddened the crown prince. Since then, he turned a blind eye when it came to Xiang'er. But why was the crown prince looking for her today? Hopefully it wasn't in order to comfort Xiang'er. The crown prince was too kind-hearted and couldn't understand that Xiang'er didn't know her place.

After waiting for a long time, the servant boy brought Xiang'er back to the courtyard right outside the sleeping quarters. Looking at the crown prince standing there, Xiang'er felt shocked at heart. Was this really the crown prince? It was obviously the same face, yet why did it feel different? Previously, though the crown prince's position was noble, she still looked down on him. He was easily deceived by her time and time again. But now, though the crown prince was simply standing over there and not even looking her way, Xiang'er felt her heart shiver.

Shang Wuxin looked down at Xiang'er, who was also the main culprit behind the previous owner's untimely death. Her appearance wasn't particularly pretty, but she had, to an extent, some elegance. More importantly, while the crown prince was missing, this maid who served in his residence was actually dressed up lavishly. She had placed an expensive pearl hairpin on her head, and was adorned in a fine pink dress that seemed out of place. The maids in the crown prince's residence were supposed to wear clothes suitable for maids, yet she was dressed so differently. Seeing her pair of misty eyes, Shang Wuxin could tell at a glance that she had been with a man just recently. Very good, truly very good!

"Xiang'er, do you know what you did wrong?" Shang Wuxin asked while looking at the clouds in the sky. Her voice was dignified, yet indifferent.

Xiang'er straightened her waist and spoke, feigning calmness. "I'm not sure what the Crown Prince means. I haven't done anything. I was sick with worry when I found out the Crown Prince had met with mishap, daily hoping for the Crown Prince's safe return. Sure enough, the Heavens noticed my sincerity and the Crown Prince returned safe and sound!" Xiang'er wailed, but her eyes didn't even have fake tears. It was hard to believe that the former crown prince wasn't ever able to see through her act.

"Slap her mouth." Shang Wuxin ordered coldly.

Everyone thought they'd misheard. The crown prince was actually able to heartlessly order his favored maid to be punished. No one dared to move. The one who got his composure back first, was Chief Hai. Now, he concluded that the crown prince really had changed, but this kind of change was a good thing. Now he would be able to clearly see the true faces of these crude people.

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