Ch 15: Han Xuan Hao's Embarrassment

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Darkness gradually descended as countless stars covered the night sky. Humidity infiltrated the air, creating a sentimental ambiance. Shang Wuxin stood by the bedroom window, looking up at the sky that was particularly clear. The distant stars glittered like broken tears.

Something suddenly disturbed the peaceful air. The guards of the Crown Prince's residence got entangled in a fight with several disguised men dressed in black. Perhaps if Shang Wuxin hadn't received those subordinates today, the black clad people would have already slipped into the room undetected by anyone.

"Crown Prince!" Wu Ju's worried voice sounded from outside the bedroom. Since Wu Wei had recently been responsible for training the guards, she was often busy and out of the residence. However, she was steadily handing over the chores to Wu Ju. Wu Ju was also quickly adapting to taking good care of the crown prince's daily life.

"Mhm..." Shang Wuxin's indifferent voice came from within the bedroom. It seemed as if she didn't feel the slightest threat regarding tonight's intrusion.

Wu Ju's initially agitated mind calmed down when she heard the serene voice. Then she picked up her weapon and stood in front of the bedroom door full of vigilance, wondering when Chief Hai would come back. As long as he came back, the crown prince's safety would have an additional layer of insurance.

Listening to and watching the outside battle, Shang Wuxin didn't show a trace of fluctuation. Although Chief Hai had educated those guards well, their training and combat experience was still lacking. Suffering a few casualties today was a good thing for them. That way they would learn to be more alert from now on, and strive even harder. They would see the frailty of life first-hand.

As for those assassins, their martial arts was very good and they were well-trained. Shang Wuxin felt some admiration for their organization, that had managed to cultivate such outstanding killers. At that moment, sounds of a struggle between Wu Ju and someone else reached her from outside the door.

Wu Ju looked at the man who had suddenly appeared there. Even if she had a cold disposition, she was still shaken by his appearance, but she composed herself quickly after. With an anxious and scared voice, she exclaimed, "HanXing House's lord!"

HanXing House was the world's number one assassin organization. Rumors said that the people of HanXing House killed without batting an eye, that their lord was fond of dressing in red, and that his looks were enthralling. However, those were all rumors that few had witnessed. But seeing this person now, Wu Ju was convinced he was HanXing House's lord. Besides him, who would have the ability to break into the Crown Prince's residence so easily. Furthermore, his martial arts was so excellent, she wasn't able to parry more than a few moves.

"Cough!" The man's hit sent Wu Ju flying, before she crashed into the sleeping quarter's door. Yet Wu Ju immediately crawled up as she wanted to keep defending the entrance. But with the disparity between their strength, she was sent flying once more, and this time she remained on the ground.

The man glanced at the fallen Wu Ju a little intrigued. There was actually such a loyal person attending to the famously useless crown prince. No, even the people guarding outside were this loyal. It seemed like he wasn't as previously rumored. There might have been some truth to what the commoners were spreading around recently.

When Shang Wuxin heard Wu Ju exclaiming 'HanXing House's lord', she raised her eyebrows. It really was a c
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ase of 'fate brings people together', huh. She hadn't yet gone to find HanXing House's Han Xuan Hao, but the man came to her on his own. After returning home that day, Shang Wuxin investigated a few things regarding HanXing House. Although no one knew the name of the organization's owner, she was already certain that the man called Han Xuan Hao was the owner. How could such a man bend his knees to act as someone else's subordinate.

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