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Leng Yufeng kept looking at the departing carriage a little distracted. Was that the crown prince? Truly outstanding. When he returned to the capital the previous day, he had received the emperor's decree, making him into a grand tutor for the crown prince. He had found it very surprising then. After all, he was making a general into a tutor. It seemed like His Majesty's intentions were clear, but if the emperor really had those intentions, why would he pretend to disregard the crown prince for so many years? He hadn't given the crown prince even half of the usual rights. Though Leng Yufeng didn't want to get involved in the Deliberation Hall's inner intrigues, he was probably unable to escape that since the day he became a general.

When he saw the crown prince's carriage a moment ago, he had wanted to catch a glimpse of him. It was just a glimpse, but even he had no choice but to praise the crown prince's good features, as well as his imposing manner. However, those were all things that didn't concern him. When the time came, he would immediately depart for the border area and leave this complicated capital behind. His heart was full of the hot-blooded battlefields that he liked most.

"Yufeng, why aren't you going in?" Huan Mo Che, dressed in blue clothes, was watching his good friend, who was sitting on horseback seemingly lost in thought. The sight had stirred up the young ladies into throwing him stealthy peeks.

Leng Yufeng composed himself and upon seeing his pal Huan Mo Che, quickly leapt down from the horse. He said happily, "How come you're here?" As far as Leng Yufeng was concerned, attending these banquets was a boring affair. However, his status didn't allow him to skip out on them. He didn't anticipate that his friend would also come, as he rarely showed up for the previous birthday feasts of the emperor.

"Hehe, it's because I was afraid you'd be bored alone in the palace, so as a good friend, I've come to keep you company!" Huan Mo Che spoke some half true, half false words. Although he didn't hold an official position, he still had the title of the capital's 'First Son'. No matter what kinds of small and large feasts were hosted in the palace, he always received an invitation. In the previous years, he wouldn't necessarily attend even once, but thinking of the crown prince now, he had finally decided to show his face in the palace. Though the crown prince was very intelligent, he didn't have much authority. Moreover, people's hearts were obscure within the palace. If something really happened later, as the prince's Grand Tutor, he could take care of the problem.

Leng Yufeng threw a glance at Huan Mo Che, obviously not fully convinced by his excuse. Although they were close friends, and he trusted that if it came to life and death, they wouldn't betray each other; they definitely weren't such kind-hearted people. Where would they have so much time to come and waste it at this useless event. Even if they had some, they would be better off using it to get a good sleep.

"It's been only one year that we haven't seen each other. Mo Che, you've started to speak so insincerely!" Leng Yufeng scoffed coldly. After that, the two of them walked side by side toward the inside of the Imperial palace.

The two of them – one was a callous war god, the other was a gentle young master; whether their status or their appearance, both were far above everyone else. Adding their ability to their status, the two of them were highly coveted by countless women within the capital. However, neither of them had ever glanced at a woman twice. A crazy rumor had started spreading, that the general family's General Leng and the prime minister family's young master Huan were gay lovers. When the two of them had learned about it, they had been indignant at the time, but had later thought it might be alright, if it made those women stay further away from them. As a result, they had't clarified things and had let the rumor circulate. Moreover, they also felt that it was impossible for them to fall in love with a girl like ordinary people did, so they had never put much importance on their own marriage matters. Thus, as long as the two of them showed up anywhere together, they would receive numerous female gazes filled with pain.

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