chapter 1; bawling my eyes out

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I was sitting in class

well? Sitting? I was half asleep.

Why would you ever pay attention to Physics?

Then I remembered why I never fell asleep during physics; "Madison pay attention please" the voice of my teacher spoke. Don't get me wrong, he is really nice but we never do fun things during class. If we ever watch a film it is about how radioactivity got invented.

Boring. I looked up at my teacher and nods "Yeah, sorry mr. Hasel" I apologized and wrote some notes about how Radioactivity worked.

And then; the most beautiful sound there is at school; the bell. I quickly put my books in my bag and walked out of class. I was going to hang out with my friends and my boyfriend. I could tell my life was pretty good right now. I have a lovely home in this town called Jersey, I have a lot of friends, a lovely boyfriend and my parents with a well-paid job.

I hung my shoulder bag over my shoulder and walked out of class together with my best friend; Nicole. Nicole is the loveliest girl you could ever imagine. Everybody likes Nicole. She belongs to this popular group at school, so I guess I am in it as well.

"We're going to hang around in the mall later" Nicole said as she looked at me. I just nodded and smiled. I never really get where we are going when we are going to hang so Nicole always tells me.

"Are we going there like, right now?" I asked. Sometimes we go home first and then meet somewhere, and sometimes we go right after school.

"No, we meet in front of the starbucks" Nicole said and chuckled softly. I nod and opened my locker once we got there. Nicole's locker was right beside mine. "Are you going with me or going home?" I asked. My house was like a second home to Nicole. We've known eachother since I was 7; when we were cute and adorable awe. She shook her head no, "Sorry babe, I've got to clean the fishtank before I can go" she explained. She always got to clean the fishtank like once in a while. She doesn't even like fishes. She was disgusted when she heard that her parents were going to buy a fishtank with actual fishes in it.

"Poor you, if George wasn't with me I would've helped you baby" I apologized as I got all of my books out of my locker to take home. She nods "I know you would've" she said and smiles "Gotta go, I am going to miss my bus" she said and gave me a hug and walked off in a quick pace.

I am so lucky I have a boyfriend with a car. I remember when I had to go to school by bus; the whole bus was stuffed with Freshmen. Freshman are just first graders. Like the Juniors. So happy with school and they don't really know what is cool. Oh god, how I hate Freshmen. I walked over to the parking lot of the school and saw my boyfriends car. I opened the cardoor and took place on the passenger seat. I looked to my left and saw my boyfriend smiling at me. "Hello beautiful" he greeted me and pecked my lips softly. It was a routine "Hi handsome" I said and he took off.

We've known eachother since I don't know when. We are already dating for 5 years or so? I was 12 when we got into a relationship. We were so young, but everybody had a boyfriend or girlfriend. So we decided together to date. And here we are now; 5 years.

He brought me home and then drove off. God, how I love that boy. I walked into the backdoor of my house. Oh well? My house? More like our house. Mom, dad and me. And my annoying little sister. But I do love her, a lot. Even though she makes me wanna jump off the nearest bridge.

When I walked in and threw my bag somewhere I saw my parents sitting around the kitchentable with serious faces. This couldn't be good? I know that because:

- They are never home when I come back from school.

- The kitchentable is the place for serious conversations.

- They never have serious faces except if they want me to go and get a job.

I bit my lip and looked at them "What's wrong?" I asked a bit nervously but not too nervous. Why would you be nervous when they haven't said a thing yet?

"Sit down" my father said.

Okay, now something was wrong.

If someone says 'sit down' you're screwed.

I nod and sat on a chair and looked at them. "What's wrong?" I asked once again and my mother sighed.

"Look Maddie, we got promoted at our job and we have got a huge raise" my mother started. Now I got confused. Getting promoted and getting a raise was good right? "But that's good news" I said relieved. But before I could stand up, my father stopped me. "That isn't everything" he said and made me sit down once again. "We are moving" he said as if it was nothing. But my heart just sunk. "W-what? When? Where?" Why would you move? They had a job here. And we were good here. We are good here.

"I am sorry darling, we are leaving in two weeks. We are going to Sydney" my mom said. I shook my head "No! I hate Sydney. I am staying here. I will live in Nicole's house!" I almost shouted at them and ran with tears in my eyes to my bed and collapsed on it. How could they do this? It wasn't fair.

And why two weeks? I'm pretty sure that you know you are going to move much longer before. They just kept it a secret. Dickheads.

I had to leave my boyfriend, my bestfriends, my loved little town and even the little horse in the meadow that I would always pet when I walked past.

But then my phone rang. It was Nicole. I picked up up.

"hey babe"

"Hey Nicole"

"I am heading towards your house yeah? Be there in a few!"

"Okay, see you"

I hung up and looked in the mirror. I looked like a complete mess. My mascara was running down my face. I decided to take my make-up off and just put a little mascara on. I wasn't meeting anyone special or such. Yeah, my boyfriend but he loves me.

What if we break up?

There was no reason to keep this relation when I am on the other side of the world. I can't break up with him..

When I walked down I didn't even bother to look at my parents. They know I am mad. They always know it when I am. Because I will ignore you until it is fixed. This will ruin my whole relation with my parents. "I left you 10 pounds for Starbucks" my mom tried. I just nodded and looked out of the window, hoping Nicole would arrive soon.

And there she was. I grabbed the 10 pounds and put it in my pocket

"going" I called and walked out of the door. I would go on the back of Nicole's bike.

And that is what I did. I jumped on the back of her bike and was quiet the whole time.

When we finally got to the point where we would meet, everybody was already there. I jumped off Nicoles bike.

But there was something wrong because my friends and boyfriend were staring at me. I think I gave them a confused look because my boyfriend already told me why; "You look like you've cried, babe" my boyfriend said. I looked up at him and our eyes met. He had these beautiful deep brown eyes in this concerned look.

That's when I remembered why;

I was going to leave my friends

I was going to leave my boyfriend

I was going to leave Jersey.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes again. I couldn't hold them back, I was going to leave my good life here. I had to start over all again.

So hi people that was the first chapter.

So this is just kind of a prologue

The real deal is coming later

[ smirking smiley ] heheh


make me happy by;



and the most important thing;

keep reading and enjoy!



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