I'm Young and I'm Foolish

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I sat down next to Jimin and Tae. "Hey guys." They were all staring at me. "What?" Then everyone but Tae and Yoongi started to talk over each other asking what happened this morning and if I was okay. I didn't respond and waited for them to be quiet again. I traced my fingers over the cuts on my knuckles from this morning and was broken out of the trance by Yoongi's voice. "She doesn't want to talk about it guys, can't you see that." I looked back up at the boys who were all looking at me. "It's fine guys, it's just something I go through. I'll tell you about it another time okay?" They all nodded, and we continued to eat. "Ya, Y/N!" I turned around to see a girl I had never met before. "Hello?" I looked around to see lots of eyes and phones directed at me. I saw Daisy staring at me with a smirk on her face. "Don't you feel bad that Yoongi has to deal with you trying to seduce him, at least his dad isn't your caretaker oh wait that's V's role." I stood up in front of her awarding a few "ohh's" from people. "Sure, what does it have to do with you!" I stared deep into her eyes. She knew what she was doing like she had done it millions of times before. "I just feel like they deserve better, it would have been better if you died not your mother! Then they wouldn't have to put up with you!" I twitched at the mention of my mother but tried to brush it off. "At least they don't have to deal with a spoilt brat from America!" She laughed in my face at my comment. "Aww you look scared, what you gonna do, cry to your new dad!" She scoffed "I bet he doesn't even care for you, probably just wants money." I didn't want to deal with her anymore, so I turned around to sit back down. I looked at the boys who were red with anger. I mouthed a "Don't" to them and the girl span me around. "Is the chicken too scared to fight!" And with that she opened her coffee and spilt it over my shirt. "Oops!" Everyone started to laugh at me. I turned around to walk out when someone grabbed my wrist. "Y/N, are you okay?" I nodded but Yoongi could see the anger in my eyes. "Let's go before we both kill them."

Tae P.O.V

"I just feel like they deserve better, it would have been better if you died not your mother! Then they wouldn't have to put up with you"

I wanted to punch Ashley in her ugly face. We had been in the same classes and I knew she was a spoilt bitch. I looked at the others Yoongi and Jungkook both also looked ready to kill.

"Aww what are you gonna do cry to your new dad, I bet he doesn't even care for you, probably just wants money!"

How dare she bad mouth my father in front of everyone. She doesn't know anything about Y/N. She turned to us and mouthed "don't" I nodded but I wanted to help her. So, did everyone else. Then out of nowhere Ashley poured her coffee over her shirt. She yelped out in pain and everyone started to laugh at her. She started to walk off and I got up to go with her but Yoongi left before I did.

"You guys think it's funny to laugh at her!" Jungkook was on top of the table shouting at everyone. "You think it's funny to ridicule her for not having a mother!" The room was silent "If any of you dare to hurt her again you're going to have seven guys on your back okay!" He jumped down and walked past Ashley giving her a death stare on the way out. We all walk out after him nobody was talking everyone was just watching us.

Your P.O.V

"Are you okay miss?" I shook my head as I sat in the nurses office as she checked over where the coffee burned me. "These are not too bad, just make sure not to have a hot shower or bath and put this cream in it before you go to bed." I nodded and walked out of the nurses office wearing Yoongi's jumper. "Y/N, what did the nurse say." Suga looked so worried for me. I kissed his hand and he blushed at my action. "I'm fine, just a few minor burns, thanks for the jumper." Yoongi smiled and looked at me wearing his clothes. "You should keep it Butterfly, you look cute." I bushed hard at his comment he handed me my bags and we head off to dance class.

I sat with the boys who all, once again checked how I was many times. The teacher told us to get changed. I realised I was one of the only girls not wearing a just a crop top. I looked at my baggy shirt and leggings. "Would people prefer if I just wore a crop top like all the other girls?" I realised I was looking at myself for too long and walked out back to the studio and sat with the boys again. "So everyone get into a group and we so I can see your skills minimum two max seven!" Everyone got into a group leaving me on my own. I walked over to the teacher. "Can I do a solo." She let me as I was a new student. She called up the groups one by one. "Bts, your go." The boys got up and danced to a song in Korean. I had never heard it before, but it sounded amazing. They were all good dancers, well Jin and Namjoon were okay but Jimin, Hobi and Jungkook were amazing. They finished and a loud applause ripples through the dance studio. "Well done boys, okay next up Y/N with a solo." I looked through the music selection and found the best one for my style of dance. It was GTA-red lips. The music started, and I started to dance.

Yoongi P.O.V

Y/N picked good song for her dance. She started, and she was amazing. I never knew she could dance this well. "Wow, looks like you've got some competition hyung." Jungkook hit Hobi's shoulder. All the boys had their eyes glued on Y/N as she danced. She was able to make it look both professional and sexy at the same time. She finished, and everyone clapped for her. Except for a group of girls.

"How did I do?" Y/N came and sat back down with us as she was dripping in sweat. "You were incredible." I looked over at the other boys who were still left shocked. "Guys, hello?" I waved my hand in front of their face. After she said that they all sat up and praised her formally. I started laughing. I put my arm round her waist and for a while she looked happy like it was just me and her together. "So, for the term assessment I will be paring you up with people based on your skill." We all looked to the teacher for an answer. "Get changed! After school ends your partners and got dance will be posted!" I got changed and head to science with Tae and Y/N

Your P.O.V
After a long fifty minutes class ended. And we walked to the dance studio together. "If I hear one more thing about distillation, I think I'm going to cry." I laughed at Tae as he acted his slow death by boredom. We finally arrived at the studio and looked for our names. I read down the list to my name.

Y/F/N and Min Yoongi - street - wild thoughts.

I turned to Hoseok who looked furious. "Who are you with?" I looked to his name, but he turned me away. "Hope, let me see!" He moved away from the poster.

Ashley Lieson and Jung Hoseok - street- rockstar

I couldn't believe it, she put the J-hope with that cow! I felt someone tapping my arm. "Y/N, do you wanna practice tomorrow after school?" I nodded and put a reminder in my phone for me and Yoongi to practice.

Hey, I'm feeling better now but I have exams in a few weeks so I have lots of revision to do :(. Sorry that this was so short. I will hopefully get another chapter out in the next few days. 

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