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I stretched as I woke up. Wondering whose bed, I was in. I sat up still in my clothes from last night to see another note in my mirror. I stood up and read it.

"Hey Y/N, you fell asleep whilst we were working so I put you to bed, hope you don't mind. M.Y"

Aww, Yoongi was so sweet. What am I saying? He's different, he's cold then sweet then back to cold. I got dressed and sat down to do my make up when my door flung open. "Y/NNNN~!!!!!" I saw Hoseok in my mirror dancing like crazy as he started to shake me. He flung open my curtains and basically screamed at me. "There it is, sunshine we can go on our picnic now!!!" I started laughing at Hobi's childlike nature. "We can't go for a while, Jin needs to prepare lunch." He sat on the floor and sulked. "You can help me make cupcakes!" He jumped up and put on some music while we were cooking. We both danced as we tried to bake. After we put the cakes in the oven, I saw all the others were watching, well all but one.


"Anyone know where Yoongi is?" All the boys shook their heads and told me the same thing. "He's probably sleeping." I turned off the music and made my way to his bedroom. But I felt someone grasping my arm. "Jiminie, what's wrong." He put his finger on my lips to shut me up and took me to my room. "What the heck Park Jimin!" He shut my door and looked at me. "Y/N never wake a sleeping Yoongi." I laughed at his remark, but he kept a straight face. "About yesterday?" He came closer to me and I knew what he was talking about. "Jimin it is-" "You sounded amazing." I blushed at his comment. "You really did, I didn't know you could sing." I fiddled with the keys of my keyboard. "Well, I can't sing!" I wrote that song for my mother and I didn't want anyone to know about it, I never sang in public I only did the things I was good at. "Please don't tell anyone." He looked at me and could tell I was being very serious about this. "Fine, but it was an amazing song." And with that he walked out of my room. I turned on my piano and started to play the song Yoongi taught me. It felt so familiar to me. After a while Jin called me to go. I grabbed the bag I packed earlier and ran outside; all the boys were waiting beside the door including Yoongi. "Finally got up!" I rolled my eyes and he laughed at my comment. However, this laugh felt fake. "We all ready!" Jin shouted from the kitchen grabbing all the food we had prepared. We all head out to Tae's car it couldn't fit all of us so Jin took Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin. Leaving me Tae, Hobi and Yoongi in the car together. I took the front seat with Tae and Hobi and Yoongi were in the back. My eyes started to drop as I fell asleep

Suddenly I saw two phones in my face. "Aww, Y/N you look so cute when your sleeping." I opened my eyes again to see Tae and Hobi laughing at me whilst Yoongi was setting up the picnic. I sat up and stretched getting out of the car. We were in a beautiful park in the middle of a forest. The sun shone down onto my skin and I felt the warmth making me wake up. "Where are the rest of them?" All the boys shrugged as I walked over to Yoongi helping him set up the picnic. "Thank you for the note." I smiled at him, but he looked away. "At least I wasn't the one to fall asleep!" His sarcastic voice rippled through my head. I stood up and walked away. I couldn't believe him. How is he so distant but so close at the same time?

I felt a pair of arm rap around me. "Hey, Isn't this place beautiful!" I was shocked to realise who was holding me. "Yeah, it is Tae picked out the best place for our day." I felt warm and safe in his arms. We were both starring out to the lake. "What are you looking forward to the most?" I still hadn't looked at him. We were both fixed on the view. "Either Jin's cooking or the swim after." We both laughed, I turned my head and saw Yoongi walk away looking mad. "What's wrong Y/N?" I turned around to face Tae with Jimin now perched on his shoulders, I couldn't show them how I was truly feeling. "Yeah, I'm fine don't worry, I have an idea." He tilted his head as a smile crept up my face. "You ever heard of a game called manhunt?" He shook his head as I called Hoseok and Jungkook over. "Right, I have a game that we are playing, okay." The boys nodded in unison. "So, the game is simple someone is a hunter and they have to tap people to make them another hunter. Once you're tagged you become a hunter and work with the others to capture the remaining survivors." I looked over at the boys who liked the idea. "So, who's the first hunter?" We looked around at each other when Jungkook raised his hand. "I'll go first." I explained what he had to do as me and the others ran away. "Coming!!" I heard Kook shout that and I kept my movements small. I looked up and saw a tree I could use to see the others. I climbed up and tried to find the others. I saw Tae running from Jungkook who was much faster than him. "Oh crap!" I didn't realise how good he was. I jumped down from the tree and ran away from the place I saw Tae going to and ran deeper into the trees. I looked around. I had been stood there for a while now I didn't know if Jimin had been caught but I knew Jungkook and Taehyung would be looking for me.

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