I'm screaming out for you, but you just can't hear me

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I woke up in my bed, but someone was beside me. I reached over to the bedside table to grab my pen knife that I keep for emergency's and I flicked out the knife. I rose over the body and closed my eyes ready to scream. "You awake, Y/N?" I heard Yoongi's voice it was rougher than usual, but it was still him "Princess put the knife down." "Suga, I'm so sorry I didn't know who you were an-" he saw how stressed out I was, so he placed his hands down on my shoulders "Hey, calm down butterfly." He looked into my eyes with the hopeful look he always had. He took the pen knife out of my hands and put it down onto the table. "Do you want to tell me why you put a knife next to your bed? "Do you want to tell me why you're on top of my bed?"

"I woke up early, Jin said you fell asleep on the car ride back from the café, so I came to apologise for being so distant, but I fell asleep, Now you." I sighed as he reminded me of my paranoia over everything. "When I was younger, I became stressed out and couldn't sleep, I didn't feel safe and with a pen knife next to me I knew I would be safe." I looked down at my hands. Yoongi placed his onto mine and stroked my fingers. " I have such a darkness inside of me Yoongi." I looked at him with hope for both of us in my eyes "And I can't control it, I don't want to hurt you too." A tear fell from my eye and dropped onto my new duvet cover. "Y/N, if you hurt, I'll hurt too, we need to stick together okay, I have pain too I struggle too but we need to be there for each other, okay?" I nodded as he stroked my chin. I pulled him into a hug and we just stayed there for a few moments.

"Y/N, morning!" Jin and Jungkook burst into my room as me and Yoongi were hugging in my bed. "Omg, Yoongi what the hell." I turned around to see Jin holding a plate of pancakes and Jungkook holding a bunch of flowers both of their mouths wide open. "My eyes my poor innocent eyes!" I turned around to face the pair "Jungkook you're six months older than me, we all know you're not that innocent." Jin walked into my room and placed the pancakes down and turned to Jungkook with an angry face. "Is that true Jeon Jungkook!" He ran out of my room throwing the flowers at me and Suga. I turned to Yoongi who was alone awake and laughing. "Best way to wake up." I hit his arm

Jin ran out after Jungkook leaving me and Yoongi alone again. "We should get up." I fell back into the pillow "We should, or I can sleep." I turned away from him trying to fall back into the abyss of sleep. I felt something soft hit me in the face. And my door shut. He must had left. I sat up and walked over to the flowers Jungkook brought. Black Calla Lilies, my favourite flowers. "How did he know these were my favourite?" I went over to the pancakes Jin had made and I sat on my bed whilst eating them. "This has to be a dream."

I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe. I knew what was happening but I didn't want to worry any of the boys so I did exactly as my doctor told me. Sit down, check your heart rate, listen to music, don't talk to anyone!

Tae P.O.V

I was sat in the lounge when Jungkook and Jin ran in after each other. "What's going on?" I stood up as Jungkook hid behind me from Jin "Jin hyung, can you please tell me why you two are running around our dorm at 8 in the morning?" He rolled his eyes and told me what Y/N said. I laughed at her joke but realised how protective Jin was as our group mother in a friend form. "Jin, the most Jungkook has done is kissed a girl her name was Helen and it wasn't for that long, okay." Jungkook stepped away from me and looked at Jin. "Is that true Jungkook!" He nodded and Jin's shoulders dropped. Thirty minutes had passed, and we were all ready but Y/N. I went to go get her, so I knocked on her door.

"Y/N, you okay?" No response. "Y/N, we need to go!" Still no response. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I ran to get the boys. "Guys, something's wrong with Y/N?" We all stood outside her door trying to talk to her. We all used different techniques Jimin's being the worst by just kicking the door. It wouldn't budge, and Y/N wasn't answering.

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