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Jimin P.O.V

"The fu-"

"Now, Jimin it's not nice to swear is it?" I looked at the woman standing I front of me, she looked amazing flawless, if I could even try to describe her it would end up being a six-page essay.

"What are you doing back here?" She laughed at my question

"Did Suga not tell you, we've got someone watching you and we want the girl."

A wave of pain shocked my body. I screamed an ear-piercing shriek as my whole body was shocked. I saw someone run into the room as I blacked out.

Taehyung POV:

I walked around the campus looking for Jimin when I heard a scream, I ran towards the dance studio and banged on the door, it was locked, and I could hear Jimin's whimpers and screams from the other side of the door. I knocked through the door and saw a woman standing by Jimin's body on the floor. "What is going on!?" "Lyra!" She places a hand over my chest before smiling and saying, "V it's good to see you too, now wouldn't want Jiminie getting hurt would we?"

Her eyes were white, the sign of their gang, I knew it was them. I carried him to the dorms and placed him in his room with Lyra following behind "Better hurry V, He needs some help from Suga, maybe get him wet too!" She said with a wink. She left the room and I saw her walking away.
I couldn't understand, why would Yoongi need to help him. I rang him immediately

Nobody's POV

Lyra walked into your room breathing in your scent. She traced over your desk pausing at the photo you all took the day you decided to stay with the boys. She opened a box where a gemstone necklace was, she smashed it and grabbed the photo from the wall

Yoongi POV

I was sat next to y/n's sleeping body when my phone rang. "Hey Taeh-"
"Yoongi you gotta get home!" He was panting through the phone and I could hear the panic in his voice "Slow down what's going on?" His voice squeaked, I heard a sob come from his voice. "It's Jimin, he he." I was losing my temper "Taehyung get to the point!" "Lyra's back an-" I hung up on him, if Lyra was back, we were in deep trouble, it's means 8944514 is closer than we thought.

"Yooni, why do you look so pale, well paler than usual?" I couldn't tell her about our gang, I want to as she is the main person we have to protect, we should enlist her later when she's well. "MIN YOONGI!" My head snapped to her "You were just staring at me." I felt the guilt rise over me knowing I couln't tell her yet. "Don't worry, I will explain when I get you home." I went over to her ed and kissed her on the forehead. "I love you remember that" She looked me in the eyes and said "I love you too, now go save the world or whatever you need to do" I rang Jin up to get him to stay with Y/N as I got in a car and sped back to the dorms.

Time skip

I burst into the dorms shouting for Taehyung. "What the fuck has she done!" I heard him shouting from Jimin's room, so I ran in there, Jimin was in a cool sweat his body was boiling but he was shivering like mad. "Taehyung what has she done!" He stuttered trying to tell me what happened "So why is Jimin like this!?" He shrugged with a tear rolling down his face. "She just said to get you wet!" I realised what she meant and ran out to the kitchen and grabbed the sugar and water. I poured the sugar into the cup if water and brought it to Jimin

"Raise his head." Taehyung looked at me confused. "What's in the drink?"

"RAISE HIS FUCKING HEAD AND OPEN HIS GOD DAMMED MOUTH." I snapped at him, but I just needed to save Jimin at this moment. I poured the substance down his throat and he swallowed it. After a few minutes he stopped shaking and his breathing was back to normal.

"How did you know what to do?" I wiped the sweat from my forehead. "It's a play on words, she only knows me as Suga, so the sugar was that and she wanted me wet so that's what I did. I didn't know if it would work I just guessed he probably had lack of glucose and de-hydration, you said you found him in the dance room so that wouldn't help either"

Nobody's p.o.v

After a while Jimin started to recover and talk more. Yoongi walked into your room to smell smoke and looked around to see the Polaroid of everyone at the dorm burned out on your face. Plus, shards of purple were scattered around the room with a silver chain near the wall with a note attached after reading that Yoongi rushed back to the hospital to see you and Jin laughing over some t.v show

Your P.O.V

Me and Jin we're watching some t.v show that was hysterical when Yoongi burst into the room. "Jin! Outside! Now!" His eyes were dark, and his voice was low. He looked over to me after Jin passed him out the door. It looked like the darkness started to fade. Before Yoongi shut the door, a nurse walked in. "Hello Miss L/N, you are able to leave today we will prescribe you with some pain killers for the time but hopefully you should heal up soon." Jin brought me some clothes so after the nurse left, I put on the clothes. I walked into the bathroom near my room and looked at myself. I was skinnier than before, I looked pale and had all the scars on my arms. I opened the door to see Yoongi crying in Jin's arms "Oppa?" Both men's eyes snapped to my direction. Yoongi sniffled and Jin rushed to my side. "What are you doing up?" I told them what the nurse told me and Jin called Taehyung to pick us up.

Time skip~

Two cars pulled up outside and all the boys got out. I was taken outside on a wheelchair as my legs were still weak. "Hi guys, I thought taehyung was the only one picking me up?" The others went red and looked to Namjoon for an explanation. "We all wanted to celebrate you getting out of hospital, get in the car we'll go home." Yoongi helped me up and took me to the car and tod me to wait there.

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